{Twenty Eight}

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-1 month later-

Laura's POV

I woke up to the smell of bacon. I smiled and jumped out of bed. I ran to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and washed my face. I then ran back to my room and opened up the blinds. I then ran downstairs and into the Kitchen.

"Mason! Breakfast is almost ready!" Mom calls out. "What's the occasion?" I ask. "Today's the day we finally adopt Mason." Mom says. "Really? That's great! I'll go get ready." I say. I run back upstairs and see Ross in sweats and no shirt.

"Guessing someone just woke up." I say and Ross smiled. I walked up to him and kissed him. I pulled away but he grabbed me and pulled me back in. "Tomorrow night. Meet me in the park at 6." Ross said. I bite my bottom lip and nod.

He pecks my lips once more and we hear Mason. "Get a room!" Mason says. I turn around and give him a look. "Love you Laur." He says. "Love her more." Ross says. "No!" I say with a smile. "Not again." I finish. "Guys, Laura looks alittle lonely." Riker says.

"No." I say. "She needs-" Mason starts. "A FAMILY HUG!" They yell. Vanessa runs out her room and Alyssa and Ryland come running too. They all hug me super tight and I smile really big. They pull away from me and I look at Rikee with a glare.

"You love our hugs." Riker says and i nodded. "One more time." I say and they laugh. They all hug me again and I smile super big again. "God, I love this family." I say. They pull away and Mason picks up Alyssa.

Alyssa laughed and kissed Mason on the cheek. "That's my girl." Mason says and puts her down. "Come on Mason. You have a big day ahead of you." I say and pull him into my room.

-6 hours later-

Mason walked out the bathroom and I smiled. "You look very handsome." I say. "Thanks." He says. I walk him infront of the mirror and I stand behind him. "You ready?" I ask. "As ready as I'll I've be." Mason said. "Laura! Mason!" Mom called.

"That's our cue?" Mason asked. "That's our cue." I say. I put my arm around him and we go downstairs.

Mason is getting adopted! Yay! I'm hungry.

Never Give Up

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