T W O - girls weekend

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Heading towards Sams's house, (Y/N)'s jaw all but hit the floor. "Holy shit Sam. This place is like a castle."

Sam laughed and lead her into the house. "Thanks, my dad owns his own company so we're very lucky." She said before calling out into the seeming empty house. "Mom I'm home!"

Moments later a well dressed woman came to greet them. "Hey Sweetie, and you must be (Y/N)? I've heard so much about you." Sam's mother immediately turned her attention to (Y/N), being as welcoming as possible.

"Thank you for letting me stay Mrs LaRusso. You have a lovely house." (Y/N) smiled politely, thankfully not feeling as awkward as she feared she would.

"Oh please." She laughed. "Call me Amanda. And feel free to make yourself at home, dinner is in an hour. You like sushi right?"

(Y/N) nodded eagerly. "Oh i love it."

Amanda beamed. "Perfect! Sam I'll call you both down when its ready." She winked before setting off through the house.

Sam giggled, showing (Y/N) the way too her room. "My dad is going to love you."


The two friends spent most of their time before dinner by the pool, talking and laughing with each other as if they'd been friends for years, rather than weeks.

"You know.." (Y/N) began, catching Sam's attention. "It's nice to have a girl friend you know? I grew up with Demetri and Eli so I never really had girly sleep overs. It was all Doctor Who and comic books." She paused for a moment before staring again. "Thank you Sam."

"For what?" Sam questioned, not sure what she had done to deserve thanks.

"For being my friend." (Y/N) smiled, paddling her feet in the pool.

The girls sat in a comfortable silence before it was broken by the entrance of Sam's dad, followed by a young boy, the same age as (Y/N).

"Hey Sam!" An older man called.

"Hey dad! Hey Robby." The girl greeted, getting to her feet to do so. "This is (Y/N)."

As she was introduced (Y/N) got to her feet. "Its nice to meet you both."

Sam's dad was the first to step forward, offering her a handshake which she took gently. "Lovely to meet you (Y/N) I'm Sam's dad. But feel free to call me Daniel. And this here is Robby."

(Y/N)'s attention turned to the very attractive boy standing next to him. She immediately felt the butterflies kick up in her stomach as Robby also went to shake her hand. His smile making her cheeks flush.

"Nice to meet you (Y/N)." Robby said, luckily not noticing the red tint on her cheeks.

"Y-you to Robby." She stumbled, looking over at Sam.

"Well come on Robby, we've got to clean up before dinner." Daniel smiled, walking inside with Robby tagging along.

"See you later ladies." He winked, causing (Y/N)'s face to heat up once again.


Dinner all but blew (Y/N)'s mind. Freshly prepared suchi fresh from a Japanese Market was like a dream come true. And Sam's dad was equally over joyed at her enthusiasm. Both of them talking about the best types of sushi and the best cuts of fish.

By the time the fish was all gone, Daniel had gotten onto his favourite topic.


He explained how he used to train Sam when she was little and how he was now training Robby.

"So (Y/N), have you ever tried karate?" He asked.

She shook her head. "I'm not much of a fighter Mr LaRusso." She said, causing Robby to chuckle.

"Its not all about fighting." He said, looking over the table at her, once again making her flush as he smiled. "Its about balance."

"Exactly!" Daniel praised. "You should join us, i wouldn't mind another student. Only having 2 is a bit underwhelming."

"You know dad, I think (Y/N) has better things to do then 'wax on' and 'wax off'." Sam giggled.

"Yeah, or paint the fence." Robby chimed in with a chuckle. Making (Y/N) wonder what kind of Karate they actually done here.

"Oh really?" He dad said, raising his eyebroe curiously. "Like what?"

(Y/N) stuttered a bit at the sudden pressure of the question. "W-well... I've just started practicing for the All Valley figure skating competition. 1st and 2nd place get to compete in nationals."

"You figure skate?" Robby asked. "For how long?"

(Y/N) shrugged. "Ever since I can remember. I took lessons in the Valley for years and when I moved to the UK and began to compete. I won 2 championships after 3 years of never placing in the top 3." She said, dwindling her cutlery.

"Wow (Y/N), thats amazing. Do you think you'll make it to the nationals?" Sam asked, a wide smile on her face.

"I hope so, it's big money if you win the nationals. I could pay for college." (Y/N) looked at Sam.

Mr LaRusso smiled at Sam's new friend, happy to finally see her become friends with someone good for her.


"Hey I have an idea." Sam stated as she and (Y/N) headed into her room.

"Oh yeah? Is it a good one?" She teased, plopping down on Sam's bed.

"Well you told me you've never had a girly sleep over. So I think we should go all out girly. Facemasks, smoothies, gossip and girl talk." Sam offered, causing (Y/N) to smiled wider.

"I'd love that."


The weekend was over before (Y/N) knew it. She had loved spending time with Sam and her family, she had especially hit it off with her dad. Always talking about one thing or another with equal enthusiasm.

She also loved meeting Robby, but she learnt quite quickly there was something between him and Sam. So she tried her hardest to ignore the flutters in her stomach, she knew that if Sam liked him. He was off limits.

"Thank you so much for having me Mr and Mrs LaRusso. I've had a great time with Sam." (Y/N) smiled as stood by the front door,  saying her goodbyes.

Daniel smiled. "You're welcome back anytime. And let me know if you change you're mind about Karate. Miyagi-do could always use another student."

(Y/N) giggled. "I'll give it some thought, thank you." She waved goodbye as she followed Sam to her car.

On the drive to (Y/N)'s House, the car was full of laughter as the girls samg along to music. Making plans to spend more time together as summer started in a week.

Little did she know, it would be the best and worst summer of her life.

Thin Ice - Cobra Kai (Eli/Hawk x reader x Robby)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora