T W E N T Y N I N E - Potential

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Days past and Robby made sure to visit (Y/N) everyday after training at Cobra Kai. He stood facing Tory as they prepared to spar.

Tory noticed his distracted expression before they started, she told herself she would check on him after she defeated him. Since she could use his distracted state to her advantage. With that she threw the first punch.

Robby blocked with ease before attempting to return the gesture. The two kept at it for a few minutes before his mind began to wander. His thoughts drifted to (Y/N) as he still continued to worry, even though the doctors told him she was improving. Despite that he knew she wasn't eating enough. She ate when he was there but she never had the motivation otherwise.

"Think fast!" Tory called before crouching and swiping Robby's legs, sending him tumbling onto his back. Taking him by surprise.

Tory chuckled as Robby lay splayed out on the mat, still coming to terms with his sudden defeat. She offered him a hand up which he gratefully accepted. "Whats going on with you?" She asked as she pulled him to his feet.

"Its nothing. Just lost my train of thought." Robby smiled. "Not that you minded." He jabbed, not filling to notice his disadvantage.

She shrugged, feigning innocence. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Keene!" Kresse's voice suddenly echoed across the dojo. Making all students pause their fights as they saw him standing in the doorway to his office. It was obvious he had been observing, and that he'd seen something he didn't like. "Come talk to me."

Robby and Tory shared a worried glanced before he made his way over to their Sensei.

Entering the office, Robby wondered what he could have done to irritate Kreese. After all it's not the first time Tory had pinned him. He watched as Kreese closed the door behind him before he turned to face him. "You wanted to see me Sensei?"

Kreese nodded, perching himself in his usual seat behind his desk. "You're distracted. Not a good trait for a Cobra." He stated, his eyes never leaving Robby. Waiting for his expression to give something away.

"Uh.. no. No I'm not distracted." He muttered as he leant against the wall.

"You are. I know you are. So cough it up. Why?" Kreese smirked, reading Robby like a book. To him, Robby was as easy to read as his father had been. "Did something happen between you and (Y/N)?"

Robby's eyes widened. "How did you know that we -"

"Cause you remind me of myself back when I was your age. Uh, maybe a bit older. I had someone like (Y/N)." Kreese explained, lighting a cigar and placing it between his teeth. "A young, beautiful girl who was the light of my life. You look at (Y/N) the same way I looked at Betsy. So.. tell me I'm wrong?"

A sigh escaped Robby's lips. "No you're right. About me and (Y/N)... but nothing happened between us. It's just... she's sick."

"Sick?" Kreese questioned, raising a brow. "Is it bad?"

"Its not a normal illness." Robby tried to explain. "The doctors said she did it to herself. She won't eat, all she does is sleep. She's so weak.. its a different kind of illness... I don't know.."

"A mental illness?"

The room fell silent. Robby stared at Kreese for a moment before nodding. "I guess so. They used the word eating disorder a lot."

The Sensei nodded, as if he knew exactly what Robby was talking about. "And this is what is causing you to worry?"

Robby finally nodded. "Yes. I'm worried she won't get better. She doesn't want to. I don't know how to help."

Thin Ice - Cobra Kai (Eli/Hawk x reader x Robby)Where stories live. Discover now