T W E N T Y T H R E E - past problems

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The following day (Y/N) stood in the park with Miguel and some other students who had heard Johnny's speech at the school. She and Miguel and grabbed some lunch before hand to make sure she didn't have a repeat of the incident in the Cafeteria.

Now she stood lined up with a bunch of boys, ready to learn how to defend herself.

Johnny stood before them, pacing back and forth. "This is day one. We've been here before, but things are different now." He told them, looking specifically al Miguel. "They tried to tear us down. It didn't work!" He exclaimed, raising his arms slightly.

This was a side to Johnny (Y/N) had never seen before. When she was little he never had such passion for anything as he did right now. It was refreshing to see him passionate about something... Even if it was just kicking ass.

"This park.. Will be our new dojo." Johnny continued. "Cause you don't need a dojo, to be a dojo. Is that understood??"

"Yes, Sensei!" The small class shouted in unison.

Johnny looked over his students for a moment. "I started Cobra Kai with one nerd... this is a step up. And if we're gonna be taken seriously, we need a name that commands respect." He told them. "A name that elicits power and dominance... Cobras are strong. They may be the king of the jungle but the worlds more than just a jungle."

(Y/N) leaned over to Miguel as their Sensei was lost in his speech. "Does he always ramble on like this?" She asked in a hushed whisper.

Miguel nodded. "Pretty much. That's our sensei." He whispered as Johnny reached down into a box, pulling out a red shirt.

"Welcome.. to Eagle Fang karate." He announced as he unfolded the shirt, revealing the Eagle with fangio the front.

The group stood amazed yet for a moment before Mitch spoke up, answering the question (Y/N) was mentally asking herself.

"Uh.. Eagles don't have fang-" Mitch was cut short as the shirt his Sensei had been holding was launched into his face.

(Y/N) laughed as she was tossed a shirt, putting it on over the top of her long black shirt. "Not bad." She smiled at Miguel, who returned the gesture.

"Anyone else feeling a little snug?" Mitch asked as his shirt didn't quite cover him, noticing how (Y/N)'s shirt hung off her.

"Do some more sit ups." Johnny advised with a smirk before turning to address his students. "All right, every body, fall in!"

As the class shuffled into place Miguel and (Y/N) noticed a familiar red mohawk appear around the bushes a few feet away.

"Sensei.. Look." Miguel muttered, surprised to see him and a few other Cobra Kai students.

Johnny glanced over his shoulder and chuckled. "I still got it." He smiled at his students. "All right every body, looks like our class just got bigger. Make room."

(Y/N) watched warily as they made their way over but didn't make their way into the class. "Somethings off." She nudged Miguel.

Her suspicion was confirmed as Tory and Kyler made their way round the bush. She noticed Miguel visibly tense at the sight of his ex.

Then another man appeared, one she hadn't seen before but could immediately tell she want going to like. Without hesitating she grabbed onto her friends arm.

Johnny seemed tense also as the man approached, with a shit eating grin on his face.

Hawk's eyes met (Y/N)'s for a moment, but he only glared at her. "I told you.. Cobra Kai for life." He spat, directed mostly at his former Sensei.

Thin Ice - Cobra Kai (Eli/Hawk x reader x Robby)Where stories live. Discover now