T W E N T Y F I V E - Cobra Kai

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Thankfully Eagle Fang didn't have a class on the fine Saturday that (Y/N) planned to meet with Robby. It was a warm day so she opted for her black shorts and oversized sweater, since she always seemed to feel cold. She grabbed herself a zero sugar energy drink to curb her appetite. Shoving it into her backpack.

"See you later Jimmy!" She called into the house as she closed the door. She made her way to their planned meeting point. Spotting Robby sitting on the bench she smiled. Heading over to him.

"Took your time." He teased as he rose to meet her. Greeting her with a gentle kiss.

She smiled into the kiss before taking his hand. "Where too?" She asked, leaning into his arm.

Robby ran his hand through his hair. "Change of plans. We're meeting up with some people. I'll show you." He said, leading the way.

She nodded and followed him, still clutching his hand. They walked in silence mostly, just happy to be in each others company.

(Y/N)'s curiosity spiked as the pavement turned into a woodland path. It was a short walk through the woods as a wire fence and group of familiar teens appeared at the end of the path. "Robby...?" She whispered as she spotted the infamous red mohawk.

"Its okay." He smiled down at her. "You're with me."

Tory spotted them first, smiling slightly at the sight of her old friend. "You took your sweet ass time." She smiled at Robby.

He shrugged. "Had to pick something up." He told her, gesturing to his now girlfriend at his side.

Hawk tensed at the site of them, throwing a harsh look at Tory. "You invited them?" He growled, definitely pissed off at their presence.

Tody glanced at him. "I invited Robby. (Y/N) is a tag along." She said, looking at the girl. "A welcomed one. You got a problem with that?" She shot at Hawk.

(Y/N) smiled at her. Glad there wasn't any hostility between them after recent events.

"She's apart of Eagle Fang! Stupid name for a karate dojo." Kyler pointed out, glaring at her.

Tory stepped over to him with a glare, talking in a hushed whisper. "Not if we show her the right path."

Robby leaned down to (Y/N). "Whats Eagle Fang?" He asked, noting how envious Hawk seemed by the glare he shot at them.

She winced. "It's a dojo... im apart of." She said with a weak smile.

"So much for not being a fighter." He whisper into her ear.

"I'm not.. its for self defense." She mumbled, looking at Kyler, who had been the turning point for her to join a dojo.

Robby noticed her discomfort around him and held her hand protectively. Ignoring the jealous stares from Hawk.

"Here you go Keene." Kyler offered him a can of beer.

Robby looked the beer for a moment and shook his head. "I'm good." Kyler moved onto (Y/N) who also refused.

Hawk rolled his eyes. "What you can't handle a sip of beer?" He asked, looking directly at him.

"Nah, I just don't need to drink to pretend to be cool." Robby smirked, earning a small giggle from the girl next to him.

Hawk didn't like that. He scowled at Robby, taking an intimidating step forward. "Yeah that's funny." He grumbled.

Tory huffed and grabbed his arm. Clearly not wanting to deal with his shit right now. "All right. Let's get going." She said, opening up a small gap in the gate for them all the pass through.

Thin Ice - Cobra Kai (Eli/Hawk x reader x Robby)Where stories live. Discover now