T E N - unofficial uncle Johnny

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The following day (Y/N) thanked the LaRusso's for their hospitality before heading home. She knew her uncle would be home by now and since he wasn't answering his phone she assumed he was asleep or forgot to charge it.

By mid morning the sun was beating down on the Valley, the first sign of the oncoming heatwave that was due today.

As she walked up the drive to her uncles house she noticed 3 motorbikes parked by the garage. She immediately recognised her uncles and Bobby's bike, but not the third.

"Uncle Jimmy?" She called as she entered the house, slightly unnerved by the silence. Closing the door she noticed her uncle sat in the living room with 2 familiar men. Each of them quietly with teary eyes.

"(Y/N) I think you should sit down." Jimmy said, patting the seat next to him.

Without hesitating she took her seat. Noticing her unofficial uncle Bobby sitting across from her. "Bobby..? I've not seen you in years." She smiled, earning one in response from him.

"You've grown up so much. You're not so small anymore." He said, a sense of pride washing over him at the sight of the pretty young lady she had become.

"She's still short." A gruff voice commented.

"I missed you too Uncle Johnny." (Y/N) quipped as she immediately recognised his voice. But still noticing the sad tone behind it. She looked back to her uncle. "So whats going on? Where's Tommy?"

All 3 men seemed to tense at the mention of their friend. Making her more confused. But before she could ask another question, Jimmy gave her the answer.

"He passed away this morning (Y/N). He didn't make it through the night."

Stunned, (Y/N) sat in silence. Staring at her uncle hoping he was bluffing. Praying he was gonna pull his usual 'kidding' and that Tommy would walk around the corner into the room and engulf her in his signature bear hug.

But nothing happened. The room remained lifeless and devoid of any humour. It seemed alien to her.

"I'm sorry kid." Johnny spoke up. "I know its difficult."

"You're welcome to come to the funeral in a few days." Jimmy placed a hand on her shoulder. "He missed you (Y/N). Said he wanted to see the young woman you've grown to be. He'd be proud of you."

They waited for her to speak. To say something. But she remained still, staring at her hands.


"Was he in pain?" She mumbled, looking up with tears in her eyes. "Did he die in pain?"

They shook their heads.

"He passed in his sleep." Bobby explained. "It was peaceful. Unexpected. But peaceful."

She sighed, looking between her uncles. "I'm gonna head to my room... I have practice in an hour.." She smiled softly before retreating into her room. Before closing the door she could hear Johnny talking in the other room.

"Jimmy are you sure she's gonna be okay with you gone? Losing Tommy is going to be hard on her... she's already lost so much..."


A week had passed and (Y/N) lay in her room drowning in her own thoughts. She ignored every message and call that came through her phone. Only leaving her room for dinner,to stand out the back for some fresh air or attend her skating practice.

Soon the funeral came and went, deciding not to attend made her feel worse but she didn't feel like she could handle all the silence and sadness that came along with them.

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