N I N E T E E N - beach baby

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For the time being (Y/N) and Hawk kept their newfound relationship on the down low. No one from either dojo knew of the secret they hid. And (Y/N) liked it that way.  She loved the stolen kisses in the hallway and the shy smiles across the cafeteria.

Soon she began walking without crutches, and she was thrilled to be mobile again. Demetri was equally thrilled, engulfing her in a hug the day she showed up walking on her own. (Y/N) could feel the jealous glare of her boyfriend from whenever he stood.

Later that day when Hawk was walking his girlfriend home they received the news that Miguel had woken up from his coma. Both of them we're so relieved to finally hear some good news.

"We need to tell Johnny." (Y/N) smiled, looking at the text from Sam. "He'd be so happy to know Miguel's awake."

Hawk scoffed slightly. "Its his fault Miguel was in there in the first place. With that show mercy bullshit."

She looked at him with a frown. "Its okay to show mercy you know? Sometimes a situation will end better if you do." She sent Sam a response before shoving her phone in her pocket. "I'm just happy he's awake."

He sighed and placed his arm around her shoulders as they walked. "Listen i was thinking-"

"That's dangerous." She giggled, making him roll his eyes.

"Haha." He mocked. "Anyway, I know how much you love to ride on my bike soooo... wanna go on a drive tonight? Nothing to far. But it'll just be us."

Her eyes lit up. "Really? Can we go to the beach?? Please?!" She begged, looking up at him with pleading eyes.

Hawk chuckled. "Whatever you want snowflake."


(Y/N) sat waiting for Hawk to arrive, her uncle was working late at the office. She checked herself in the mirror before leaving. Thanks to the stress of the aftermath of the school fight she had dropped more weight. Her uncle had been so busy with work to notice her skipping meals for days at a time.

She knew how he would worry if he found out. She meant to stop trying to lose weight after the competition but apart of her couldn't let go. Part of her was terrified to gain the weight back. So she never stopped, bit it became harder to achieve as her uncle always cooked her dinner now he was home and Demetri always wanted to have lunch with her. She would often throw food away in order to avoid eating it.

To hide her changes in appearance she wore large baggy sweaters, it worked for a while but the heat sometimes made it unbearable.

Her phone suddenly caught her attention as it began to rang, Sam's caller ID on screen. (Y/N) didn't hesitate to answer. "Hey Sam!"

"(Y/N) they found him. My dad found him." Sam said immediately, not even mentioning a hello.

She felt her stomach drop. "They found Robby? Oh my god. Is he okay? Where did they find him?" She asked.

"He went to see his mom at rehab. Dad's lawyer thinks he'll serve time, especially since he ran." Sam explained, sounding disheartened.

"At least he's safe though. And we know where he is." (Y/N) tried to comfort her, as the thought of the kiss they shared resurfaced in her mind.

A knock sounded at the door, alerting (Y/N). "Look Sam I'll call you tomorrow. I've got something I need to sort out. Thanks for letting me know that Robby is okay."

After saying their goodbyes (Y/N) ended the call and stuffed her phone into her pocket before opening the door. Smiling softly at the sight of Hawk.

Thin Ice - Cobra Kai (Eli/Hawk x reader x Robby)Where stories live. Discover now