T W E N T Y - Downfall

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(Y/N) listened whole heartedly as Demetri raved on about the new skills Sam had been teaching him behind her parents back. She sipped on her milkshake, mentally noting how she wasn't allowed to eat till tomorrow now, and smiled every time his eyes lit up with pride.

"Now I don't have to worry anymore. I can defend myself." He said with a hint of smugness in his voice. "And I can defend you. I won't ever let Hawk touch you again. Not after what he did to you."

She felt her heart drop, not missing the fact that he wasn't calling him Eli anymore. "Thanks Demetri. But I've spoken to Eli, he apologised and I dont think he'd ever do i again."

"Wait you spoke to him? When?" Demetri asked, seeming concerned that he wasn't able to stand by her when she spoke to him.

"First day you all came back. He caught me in the corridor and we spoke. Well he did... I kinda just glared at him." She laughed slightly. "But its okay. I'm okay." She grabbed his hands and gave it a comforting squeeze.

Suddenly both of their phones dinged with a message from Sam.

Demetri sighed as he read the name Cobra Kai. "They're tormenting Chris at the golf'N stuff." He muttered.

"And she wants us to go there?" She raised as eyebrow, not sure why she got summoned also.

"Apparently so. Come on let's go."


It was a short walk from the Diner and thankfully Sam was waiting outside, along with some other Miyagi-do students.

She smiled as she saw them approached. "I'm glad you guys came. Let's go, Chris needs our help."

(Y/N) and Demetri nodded, following her inside to meet Chris. Who seemed less than happy about the Cobras presence.

"Where are they?" Sam asked him as she stormed over.

Chris sighed. "They snuck into the old laser tag place next door."

"How many?"

"Four of 'em."

Sam seemed happy at that number. "Six of us. I like our odds."

(Y/N) shook her head. "You mean five? Cause I'm not a fighter and I'll likely lose my other ankle."

Demetri was in agreement with his friend. "She's right. And are you sure we should be doing this?"

Sam glanced at Demetri and nodded, her eyes full of determination. "We're not on school property. This is our chance to fight back." She turned to the only non fighter of the group. "You can come with us but stay out of the fight. We might need you to get help if something goes wrong."

The group was in agreement. At least most of them were. (Y/N) had several doubts but was to afraid to voice them. Sam seemed so sure that she had to fight back... so she followed after her. Praying something wouldn't go wrong.

As they approached the laser tag room Sam made Chris turn out the lights, confusing the cobras inside. Before storming in as a group.

Hawk glared at them immediately, thankfully not noticing (Y/N) hidden behind them. "What do you want?"

Sam grit her teeth. "Payback."

The fight broke out immediately as the Miyagi-do students launched at Cobra Kai.

(Y/N) ran for cover the first chance she got, avoiding all the fighters in the ring. She snuck through the poorly made faux buildings till she was a good distance away from the fight, but still close enough to watch.

Thin Ice - Cobra Kai (Eli/Hawk x reader x Robby)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora