T W E N T Y E I G H T - Recover

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(TW: Mentions of eating disorders and struggles with food.)

When Hawk finally made it into the ER he found Demetri in the waiting room. Alone. Biting his nails as he looked at the double doors (Y/N) had been taken through.

"Where is she?" Hawk asked as he practically ran into the chair next to his friend. "Is she going to be okay? What did they say?"

Demetri ripped his eyes away from the door, tears forming in them as he looked at Hawk. "The medic said she was malnourished. He had to examine her body for any injuries from her fall and..." He trailed off as he remembered what he had seen in the back of the ambulance. How pale and sick (Y/N) had looked. How the medics face turned to shock when he examined her abdomen under her shirt. How sickly thin she was.

Hawk placed a comforting hand on Demetri's shoulder. "And?? What did the say!?" He egged on. Desperate for answers.

The tears slipped out of Demetri's eyes. "She's so thin Eli; I could hardly believe it. She looks like she hasn't eaten in weeks. The medic said it was no wonder she collapsed."

The final piece of the puzzle placed itself in Hawk's brain. It made sense now why she'd collapsed in the Cafeteria and after the Zoo. It explained why she looked so sick and never ate lunch at school. Claiming to forget it. Or how everything she drank was zero sugar, zero calories.

"Its my fault." Demetri said suddenly, catching his friends attention.

"What? Demetri no you couldn't have kn-"

"I didn't look out for her!" He snapped. "I watched her fall apart and thought it would be fine. I didn't challenge her enough to eat or to look after herself. I let this happen!" He almost wailed.

Hawk furrowed his brow and grabbed his friends shoulder. "You had no control over this. She done it to herself there was nothing you could do!" He hadn't noticed the tears rolling down his own cheeks as he remembered the times he felt like he had failed her. "If anything its my fault."

Demetri frowned. "But you just said she done it to herself..."

"I know. But after the fight... the first one. And the next. I treated her like shit. I probably didn't help." He sighed, wiping away the tears from his face.

Demetri scoffed. "Thats bullshit."

Hawk felt anger bubble at the pit of his stomach. Not only at himself but at (Y/N). He didn't understand why she would do this to herself.

The two boys fell silent. Both unsure of what to say. An hour past before the doctor finally came to greet them. Demetri recognised him as the doctor that took (Y/N) away for treatment and stood immediately. Followed by a slightly confused Hawk.

The doctor gave them both a sorrowful smile. "You're both here for Miss (Y/N)?"

Demetri nodded as Hawk stepped forward. "Is she okay? Is she alive?" He asked, panicked.

The doctors frowned but nodded. "She is stable but not out of the woods yet. Her heart is incredibly weak and she is at risk of a heart attack. I believe the reason she collapsed was her bodies way of protecting her from it. She had nothing left to run on."

The pair clung to his words, hoping for some form of good news. News that she would recover and me just fine.

"Unfortunately we cannot allow anyone to visit her unless they're family.  We can't get in contact with her uncle as of yet so you'll have to wait here." He informed them, watching their hopeful faces drop.

"Family? What kind of family?" Demetri questioned.

"Parents, guardian, partner. Someone close to her." He explained. "But until-"

Thin Ice - Cobra Kai (Eli/Hawk x reader x Robby)Where stories live. Discover now