The Endeverous King

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(Hello! Thank you for your interest in my story. Please note I do not own either the artwork or the original characters from My Hero Academia, this is simply my own little fantasy story using their characters. I would appreciate if you could keep your criticism polite as I do take it to heart very easily. Although I write for myself, knowing that you have enjoyed it really helps to make my day too. My apologies because my writing isn't the best- I'm still learning and if you have any suggestions then feel free to message me on Instagram, I'd love to discuss them with you! @minilcos on all social media!)

Also another note: a new chapter will be uploaded weekly due to my working schedule. This story will be a long one with quite a few chapters planned.


A crown of ice and volcanic rock woven in such an intricate manner had now become the biggest burden a Prince would wield and the biggest dream for his barbaric rival.

The late king Enji, known to his people as the "Endevourous King" had long passed after his decade battle with the ruthless Rebel Kingdom. His death had been unnecessarily long and drawn out, but his funeral short and easily forgotten. He had not been as beloved a King as his predecessor; King Toshinori known as the "All Mighty King" but alas kept his promise to his kingdom of safety against the opposing kingdoms and gained a few loyal followers. The kingdoms obeyed his laws knowing in return they were living in an ever advancing kingdom, where creatures of all kind would be welcomed. It wasn't always the happiest kingdom but it was a growing one where work and a somewhat equal life was almost guaranteed.
Now that his reign had ended the crown and title had passed to his eldest son, Sir Toya of the Blue Flame. Easily recognised by his red disheveled hair much resembling that of his fathers, and his illuminating flames that came in blanketing waves from his palms. Despite the heat from said flames being almost matching that of the Sun, it would not burn him completely to ash, instead leaving no more than third degree burns when used in exertion. Years of intense training and discipline taught by his father had ensured that he would not suffer completely from his own power.
Toya however, had often gotten into trouble with the law, believing that the system was in fact unjust and that the "sheep of the land" as he liked to refer to his subjects, were blind to what a true king should be. He didn't approve of the way his father had become king -taking the kingdom by fiery force and causing the previous king to buckle under the pressure until he could do no more than practically hand over the crown.
He believed a true king should aspire to be like a hero to its people; a figurehead to look up to; with the title earned by true acts of heroism and ruler ship. Despite sounding like noble ideology the way he displayed this belief was one of insanity at times. Often burning those who opposed him with a simple snap of his fingers and a cruel smirk of his lips. This made Toya unstable and what was worse, with the newly added power of the throne, it made him dangerous.
Years of fighting for his belief, had taken its toll on the young king. His warm complexion no longer one tone, instead stapled together in a feeble attempt to keep his burnt flesh in one piece by the Kings' elders.
Harsh deep purple burns had now created mismatching patches around his body. Including under his eyes and around his jaw. Almost becoming numb to pain he would never let his new scars cause him to show the pain whenever they would be newly etched into his skin.
"Proof of the battles I have endured for the kingdom and crown." He would say to himself, trying hard to persuade his doubtful thoughts away.
Eventually after six short years the Kings Court had overthrown Toya, believing him to be of unstable mind- unable to truly take on the role and pressure of the throne. Instead issuing the youngest of the brothers, the young Prince Shoto to be the next heir.

This difficult decision was not what Either Toya or Shoto had wanted to hear. You see Enji had many children, three boys, and one girl in fact. Lady Fuyumi the kind, Sir Toya of the blue flame, Knight Natsuo of the Musutafu Kingdom, and young Shoto who had yet to inherit or earn any worthy title besides "favourited son" by their father.
Lady Fuyumi had already been betrothed to another kingdoms heir and thus was not suited to rule both kingdoms, whilst Natsuo had turned down the offer of being King. Preferring to keep his Knightly role that granted him the freedom to travel when and as he pleased. That left little Shoto.

Shoto hadn't long celebrated his birthday and had believed his future would be filled finding adventure in the big world and discovering who he was and how he could learn his to control his powers for good along the way. He had grown hating his fathers ideas and teachings and had vowed never to have a resemblance to his father, to never use his fathers ways. In turn he had completely rejected his right side where his fathers power had laid dormant and waiting.
Instead this dream would be soon let go as the title had quickly been thrusted upon him and a new one of raising a kingdom had become of supreme importance.
He had watched in silence at how his brother had been driven insane by his own mind and with great grief had silently watched as the Court had banished him away leaving him to go who knows where, in the meanwhile watching as his youngest brother would go from a mere boy to King almost over night gaining what had been his by birth right.

That was two years ago. No one had heard from Toya since. No one talked about him and if you asked any of the kingdom folk, many would quickly turn their heads away feigning ignorance to the name. No one wanted to be reminded of the pain and suffering he had caused. They looked to their future hopeful with the new young King as their ruler.

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