Asking for help

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By the time Kirishima had managed to come around and regain his senses, he was sitting alone and surrounded by abandoned ruins just outside of the Harbour. Dust and crumbled walls encircled him. As a result of an outside force the ceiling appeared to have collapsed - he assumed it was him since he vaguely remembered flying.
Kirishima nervously stood and slowly rose, cautiously watching the walls for any sign of movement, but alas the foundations of the ruins remained strong and quiet with no signs of life, besides him and it hadnt looked like there had been any for a few hours at least. If it werent for the fact he had been kidnapped and just left here, these ruins could have been quite an adventure to explore.
Unwrapping his bandana from around his thigh he took a deep breath and wrapped it around his forehead, brushing his hair from his face and forcing it back, tying it at the base of his head. Walking out of the structure Kirishima quickly tried fumbling about for his phone, digging deep into his trouser pockets. Time had passed but he wasn't sure of how long exactly. Though a small frown did crack across the lines spread on his forehead, he knew that Bakugou had probably been really worried by now. Though you would have a higher chance of getting a scientist to admit that mermaids were real than to get Bakugou to admit he cared like that.

The sky had darkened due to the nimbostratus clouds that blocked the sun. It's amorphous shapes revealing no clear sign as to what the weather would be. Uncertainty floated about the atmosphere as much as it did inside the hybrid.
Hearing a twig snap, Kiri turned around to be startled when a thick heavy black sack was placed around his head forcing him to the floor kicking and shouting.Tight ropes chaffed at his wrists causing crimson to rise to the surface as they were being tied. Restricting the movements and pulling harder when he would try to wriggle free. There was a loud belly laughter as hands wrapped around Kirishimas stomach, picking him up easily off the ground before throwing him up over their back and walking off. He was thrown about like a feather to the wind without any care. He wasn't used to that, typically he would be the one to pick up others.
There were barely a moments pause for breathing between the shouts and insults that he slandered towards the perpetrator. Footsteps stomped on the ground below making him flinch and causing his senses to kick into overdrive. The bag filled his nostrils with the stench of rotten fish and the iron smell from blood, confirming if anything his location. If they had gotten this bag from nearby then that would explain the smell of fish inside. He couldn't exactly see any stains but he could smell them. There was something lodged into the black burlap material that had vigoriously continued to rub his skin, he preyed that it wasn't fish bones. It felt rough and made his revealing skin incredibly itchy. The screaming and fighting back had stopped by now, with his throat numb and wrists sore. After trying to transform and allowing his fight or flight responses to take over, he had yielded. The bag was clearly no ordinary bag. He had suspected that it had been created using a spell that could weaken any captured creature. Rolling his eyes, he knew exactly which mage had created this spell since there was only one mage who knew how to capture and weaken a dragon as powerful as him. Making a mental note Kirishima tried to remember to speak to Ochaco when he was free again.
Once more Kirishima seemed to have been kidnapped, it was a good thing he wasn't a luck dragon otherwise he would be doing a very bad job right now.
Just as he was being taken away, Kirishima did manage to wiggle enough to have just his coccyx stick out a fraction from the bag. Seeking the opportunity he managed to shift the base of his spine into his long tail, using it to whip his kidnapper. Another bellied laughter before a rough shove. His tail had been pushed back in. He wasn't getting out anytime soon. But he predicted with a tail as large as his that if the attack wasn't successful then he would have been pushed back in. The motion of pushing his tail back into the bag had resulted in a few of his scales to loosen and drop on the path. Thick blood red scales that almost looked like the glass autumn leaves. He hoped that someone would understand what these clues could mean.


Shoto had ran outside the Inn and shot through the streets until he had found two of his guards, this didnt take long. Scrapping together the best sentence he could he managed,

"Horse, now!"

In a blink of an eye the one guard nodded and with a pop disappeared. Their power allowed them to teleport, when they had activated their quirk they were able to teleport to any location they had been to in the last three days. With more training they were hoping to expand this time scale.
Shortly after there was a bright flash and another pop before they appeared again this time with White Beryl, who looked fully alert and a little more than surprised as to how he had gone from his stables eating away, to suddenly standing only a few feet in front of a flighty Shoto in the village. He snorted with his ears frantically switching positions.

Taking a running start, Shoto lept with ease up onto White Beryls back. Moving so fluidly that his tailoured coat had swept out behind him like a cape on a superhero. Icicles started to crystalise on the ends of his hair and cuffs of his clothes. He barked another command towards his guards who stood alert as ever whilst the horse reared onto its back legs for a moment. Standing tall and magnificent on its back legs whinnying.

"I'm going to be gone for a while, tell Momo and Iida I've solved it."

With a kick his horse galloped off and he shouted his final words

"They'll know what it means."

And like that he had ran off.

His mind had become a flurry of possibilities. The tea stains had simplified the message behind the verse and he cursed himself for not realising it sooner. Repeating the words outloud he grinded his teeth, almost snarling at the thought that it had been right in front of them all this time and he had been too slow as usual to discover it.

Racing faster than he had for a while he headed off towards the Crimson Lands. Going exactly where he never thought he would go to ask for something he never had wanted to ask.
White Beryl had his head low, hooves thundering forward. Main and tail flailing from the rush. By the time they had reached his destination both rider and horse had been panting hard, swamped by sweat and exhaustion. It took a full days travel to ride from one Kingdom to the next, on White Beryl it could be done in almost half that.

A boy with black straightened hair- chin length came and stopped Shoto from travelling any further past the Crow Fields to the entrance of the Dragons Kingdom. With a big grin and friendly demeanour his arms stretched out welcoming the Royal.

"Your highness you are as welcome as ever. But we weren't expecting you?"

Nervous children hid in the grass about half a mile behind him. Poking their heads out occasionally to inspect the possible threat and well-being of their minder.

"Sero, I don't have time for this. Kat, where is he? I ... I need him. Now."


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