A Magic Kiss

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Denki was pressed against the nearest wall, the cold touch of stone providing subtle relief and grounding as his palms started to nervously sweat. A furious Bakugou stormed past, ignoring the others existence and made his way back out of the ruins with a patient but deep longanimity building within his mind.

Bakugou and his new tag-along had left the collapsed room both completely soundless. One in a bubbling rage the other in a nervous unease. A pin could drop between them and sound like the next atom bomb. The silence had made Denki nervously swallow being unsure on how to proceed.
A couple of minutes passed as he waited for a noise, a sentence, anything from Bakugou to show he wasn't actually going to kill the next thing that so much as even breathed in his presence.

He waited five more minutes.

A few more.

Shifting his weight to the other leg and taking what he thought could possibly be his last breath if this all went sour, he mumbled the question:

"So... no one was there huh.. now what?"

"I'll kill them."


After cantering for what seemed like a never-ending eternity Shoto had made his way back into the village. He couldn't make his way back to the Castle, there was too much as stake. He dared not think about going to check on Izuku as he was clearly not going to be in a fit state of mind to help should he be needed in a battle, and yet despite this inner conflicted dialogue he found himself subconsciously leading his horse towards to the infirmary exactly where he knew Izuku had been taken earlier that morning. Still debating in his mind his next course of action he dismounted once safe to do so and tied his horse to a nearby post, entered his name into the registration book though it was very obvious to the rushed nurses who he was, and stepped into the lobby.
The ink from the quill glided over the paper having now become a new piece of permanent history. It wouldn't even be unusual if they were to keep that book as a cherished item now as it was quite rare for a member of the Royal Family to enter the premises without a prior engagement and they were few and far in between.
The unexpected arrival had startled a few of the doctors that had gathered in small bundles to discuss the importance of a patients case file. They awkwardly turned and bowed at different times and definitely far from organised. Another nurse stumbled through the left entrance only to drop her cases in shock at the King who was straightening his back after he signed his name away. She was rushed on by another nurse scurrying away through the lobby and to the other corridor on the right.
A short and stumpy woman approached with a white lab coat draped over her dragging on the floor behind. Her walking aid was in fact no more than a giant syringe that she had used as a walking stick. The thought of that going into someone made Shoto's eyes widen as she took her time to approach. Her sharp eyes spotted his fear in seconds and a warm chuckle tickled her through.

"Welcome your Highness, please don't worry about this, it merely acts as a walking stick for me. I think it looks more fashionable this way. We weren't expecting you today, my name is Chiyo, how can I be of assistance?"


Shoto had shaken her hand during their greeting but had failed to pay much attention to what her words were; failing to register their meaning, he was still in an eternal debate on his next action. With how active his mind was he supposed he was lucky enough he remembered to be courteous and shake her hand.

"Ah yes, young Izuku Midoriya. Why don't you come follow me this way. Is he a friend of yours sir?"

"Yes a dear friend."

"Well then it might please you to know that he has been recovering well. I've administered three doses of my heal, and he was fine. He's having some food at the moment but a visit from a friend might be the little pick me up he needs."

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