More than Friends

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Footsteps kicked at the sand, shuffling as they moved not so delicately towards their destination. The ribbon- like waves danced closer as Katsuki continued on, each wave overcoming the other in a desperate pull towards the young man.

"They don't understand Ei, those extra's just dont..."

The words were hidden against the sound of the water and the squawking of the flying gulls ahead. He pressed on, his hands cooling off before being crossed over his chest.
Katsuki looked up towards the cloudless sky. Look up to what felt like eternity before him.

"There, up there that's where I want to be."
A young Kirishima giggled as his outstretched hand reached for the bluest of skies.
"Don't be silly you idiot, there's no way you could get that high."
A young challenging Katsuki laughed along, jabbing his friend in the ribs with his elbow.
"You'll see! One day I'm going to be so strong I'll fly us both over the clouds! No I'll go higher!"
The grin that grew on the boys face could compete with the warm of the sun. Of a thousand suns.
Katsuki could only look back with silent admiration.

Katsuki sighed defeated, bowing his head low to the floor as the memory died away.

"Show me, you promised the clouds you idiot. You can't give up n.."

As he spoke Katsuki slowly loosening his arms from around his chest, releasing his hold on his biceps- the stance no longer to show power but more to stabilise himself lest he fall apart.
When his hands brushed his wrist he noticed something fine and itchy. The glint of it catching his eye under the direct sunlight.
It was a tiny thread, as fine as human hair that poked out of his skin, as if he'd rested for so long against it that it had started to bury itself in. It didn't take a second for him to pull it out to examine.
Burlap. It was from a burlap sack.
Katsuki snapped his head back around to where the other two were and sprinted full force to rejoin them.

It hadn't taken more than fifteen minutes before he was storming past a very surprised Mina and a cautious Kaminari would looked like he was ready to bolt the other way at any moments notice. He made no sign to interact with them, instead focusing on running, jumping over them and diving into the tent.
He paused as the light from the holes in the tent put a daunting spotlight over the dragons closed eyes.
Still nothing.

He breathed for a moment with clenched fists.

"Eijirou I know you're still in there you Bastard, WAKE UP."

His throat screamed. The dryness, the roughness from the words, scratching their way up and out. Sparks gathered, fresh hot and humid sparks.

"I said WAKE UP!"

Mina was the first to dive in behind Katsuki and place a hand on his shoulder to snap his attention towards her.

"Katsuki what the hell are you doing? You don't think we've tried that? Come on Kat you know Better than"

"Shut up!"

"Great he's truly lost it."

Kaminari lifted the entrance of the tent up with a simple movement as he let himself in.
This time the blonde kept his distance but watched on silently.

"Kat, Listen to me. This doesn't work. This won't work. You can't just yell at everything to make it better. Please, It doesn't.. it won't.."

Fingers gripped into Katsuki's shoulder tighter and over the cloak that rested there. Her voice pained and full of grief. A final plea to her friend.

Over his shoulder Katsuki stared the girl down. His face unreadable. If it weren't for his flaring nostrils and piercing eyes they might have thought he were a still mannequin.

"Get. Out."

It wasn't a shout. His voice created a command. A command that demanded obedience. A low growl of a command that dared, dared anyone to insubordinate to his word. Those two syllables held more power than anything the three of them had wielded since they'd been on the beach.

Lowering her hand with her eye brows raised. Surprise and fear creeping up her body. Never had he directed any sort of ferocity towards her and never would she want to receive it again. Even her bones shook inside her body.
Kaminari pulled on her hand to pull her back. Gripping tight to the girl sensing that their friend had truly lost his mind.

Eyes now pierced into the scales of the lifeless dragon. Eyes so focused that nothing else could interrupt the tunnel vision. Brows furrowed as Katsuki's face flushed. Clenching his jaw, his right leg swivelled back to brace himself. Hands shoulder width apart and clawed upright towards the sky as he demanded again. This time for the heavens to hear.


Kaminari by now had rushed Mina as far back from the tent as he possibly could and into the sea itself for safety. Until the water lapped at their throats and caused her to tread it's waters. Even if the water did spit and sizzle at his sparking fingers.


Katsuki's hands glowed white as an endless amount of heat pooled from them. Dripping to the floor and burning their tools and bedding like newly formed lava. The sound of firework cracks bounced around his fingers as they built up. A bright burning gleam. So powerful and big that the fabric of the tent melted away, it's seams disappearing and breaking away into the light. Everything was engulfed in the explosion. The deafening bang silenced all living creatures around it. The purest of energy created taking away all of the energy and life around it. Bangs crackles and cracks pierced the air, temporarily causing deafness to Mina and Kaminari who both had now retreated under the surface of the water fearing for their safety.

Then through the giant cloud of smoke, a panting Bakugou stood. His darkened silhouette standing no longer alone in a tent with a sleeping dragon. 


"Okay Momo let's get you settled here" Sero shuffled rather awkwardly with the woman until they were near a strong enough tree to bare her weight. Unconsciousness covered the woman's body completely and left poor Sero to be alone with his confusion.

Sero paced in front of the same tree that he had perched Momo down against moments before. Shivers ran across his body in frantic waves as his desperation for a shift grew. Deep breathes would not calm them or his nerves. Beads of sweat grew on his top lip until the back of his hand smushed them away.

"Shit shit shit shit."

He cursed to himself, spying around the clearing for any sign of anyone else, any threats or help.
Turning back to the victim he kneeled down and grabbed her shoulders, gently shaking her.

"Hello... Momo? You need to wake up now.. come on."

Anxiety, this niggling feeling in his stomach that created those damn awful butterflies stirred again. She did not move accept the slow and steady rise and fall of her chest as she slept.

"Shit now how do I explain this one... where the hell do I go? Our healers won't take her in.."

Sero's gaze turned towards the Kingdom just as the pain of his shift won over and his skin flaked into scales starting from his collarbones up his face and down to his toes. A low snarl sounded from his throat as he rolled his eyes. There was no where to hide, no going back to his human disguise just yet and this woman needed help, fast. That left only one option.
Sero held out his claws and carefully picked up Momo, carrying her close to his scaled chest as he snaked into the sky towards the Kingdom.


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