Soothing Tea and Stained Rings

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Todoroki was boiling with rage. He had always tried his best to keep his cool around Bakugou and his hot-headedness. Their morals often clashed and the urge to shut him up with his hands had often been almost overwhelming. But as the future Royal he had an image and reputation to uphold, this wouldn't stop the little fantasies that would float through his head at the time, of him kicking Bakugou's arse though. He often cracked a little smirk when they would appear. A secret victory only for him to see and feel, it soothed the irritation.

"Did he follow you?"

Todoroki had finished surveying the hallway, pushed Deku into the room and was heading off to make him a hot drink- it was a needed distraction. His fire power boiling the water in the spare cup instead of using the kettle. This way he could stay within ear shot of Deku who had sat himself down in the King's previous seat.

"No at least I don't believe so, they sort of just went back to the village. I don't know why but I wasn't going to chance it. I came straight to find you. I went to the palace but they said you'd already left so I came searching."

"We should get you checked out by a doctor Izuku. You could have more injuries inside that could need attending to, after all you look..."

Iida paused thinking of the right words to say without sounding offensive.

"Black, blue and every colour in between? Yeah I know. But I'll be fine, I just need some rest honestly."

Deku answered for him with a grateful smile at the curtesy. He tried his hardest not to wince at the pokes and prods from his friends. They were trying their best to be careful and attentive and that's what mattered the most.

"I'm not sure, Iida could be right. We better take you just incase."

"I appreciate that and if it stops you worrying then I'll go. Though there's something else you should know."

With a gauze over his lip Deku had gently held it in place with his right bruised hand. The previous scars becoming more visible and being a painful reminder to Shoto about the past- he had to look away. He had let his friend get hurt again, he wasn't there enough to help him. The skin on his lip broke from the pressure of the bite he was making and the smallest droplet of fresh blood ran into his mouth.
Momo taking notice of the stress on her King threw a bag of the used gauzes and bandages towards him. The oncoming attack had socked him right in the face. A tell-tale sign that the King was distracted by stress as typically that would have made an easy target to capture.


"The tea?"


Shoto broke from his thoughts and freed his lip. He picked up the bag of rubbish, binned it and returned before placing the bubbling brew in front of the beaten up boy. It didn't take long for Deku to begin drinking it. Sipping it with oohs and ahh's at the relief it provided. It was like having your first bowl of hot soup on the coldest of winter days. Or the hug of a burning fire on your fingertips that fought off frostbite.


"What else was there, you were going to say something?"

"Mm, yeah. Well word is that there's been talk of a secret ruin place still in operation. Over by the church. I don't know if it is but there was talk at the Inn about some mysterious lights at night over there that had been seen recently."

Iida immediately turned to the other guard and suggested it to be a hideout for the Rebels who shrugged it off proposing that it could just be kids playing about instead. Shoto listening attentively chipped in.

"Regardless, Momo I would like it investigated please."

"Yes Sir."

"But first, Iida please take our friend to the hospital to be seen to and report immediately to me afterwards. He is to be guarded and watched on all hours. Do not let him leave until he has been seen to and healed."

Standing up and ignoring the waving of his friends hands. The beaten up boy looking a sorry sight, he simply couldn't handle it anymore. Shoto was going to have some choice words for Bakugou when he found him.
Setting to the task and knowing better than to ignore their King, the two guards separated leaving Shoto alone in the room. From beneath the cups rings of leftover tea had emerged. If it wasn't for what they had circled Shoto might have cleaned them away and thought nothing of them. But the other three had gone and left the verse there for the cups to lean on, their tea-rings circling certain words. The rings left their stains.

Leaves of Red

Realisation snapped, he grabbed the parchment and ran out of the door. Unsure on how he had failed to see it before after all now it had become so easy to work out. A new goal webbed together in his mind as if he were the spider with a new pray to ensnare. And with that, the room was empty once more.

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