A Token of Appreciation

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The wing was rough, it collided hard with his skin in such a rush that it caught him off guard. The surface was scaled and the impact was so quick that the contact- although brief - had left an awful sting for a few moments after.  He could feel a bone in his lower jaw had dislodged itself as a result. The pain that followed confirmed the location and that it had indeed dislodged. Baring down his teeth he clicked his jaw back into place and grimaced as he did so.

"Watch yourself shitty hair"

Bakugou growled over the shouts of combat practise from the other hybrids and their riders. Kirishima, Bakugous dragon-hybrid companion, although just managing to get a quick cheap shot in had spaced again and let his guard down. He kept taking beating after beating before making an attempt at a comeback. That was twice this week during practise he had done so, but he just couldn't get into the spirit of practise and thus was clearly making silly beginner mistakes. Bakugou knew something was up but couldn't let his partner get distracted like this. If this should happen on the battle field he could face loosing him and after years of building trust and finally developing his first deep friendship, he was not prepared to let that happen.
Kirishima growled in response, not in a threatening manner but in more of a challenging manner. Daring him to retaliate which Bakugou took to like a fish to water.
He charged at the dragon-hybrid boy sending a small flash bang from his left hand followed by another flying high kick. All like clockwork one right after the other. Movements so fast, but not fast enough. The boy had learnt since last time and had his guard up. He hardened his scaly skin until it resembled armour and stood strong. The powerful blow causing no more than a ricochet over the surface.

"Better, but times up let's pack up."

Bakugou, though he may not have liked to admit it always enjoyed sparing like this with Kirishima. The boy riled him up in all the right ways, got his blood pumping and spurred him on. They both helped each other get stronger and not just physically.
Kirishima retracted his form again to show that of a muscular young man with red pointed hair, a pair of loose grey trousers hung low on his hips and a denim sleeveless jacket that had been gifted to him. Only those he truly trusted got to see both of his forms and Bakugou was lucky enough to be one of them.

Over the years they had fought together with the rest of the Dragon's Hoard against other tribes or the Rebel gangs. The first battle they had together Bakugou had broken the rules of the Kingdom, disobeying the orders from Toya Todoroki to not interfere so that he could fight alongside the Dragon Hoard even if it was mainly to fight alongside Kirishima, and used everything he had at the time to defend them and their kingdom. He hated how they were being treated and didn't believe they should fight on their own.
They had faced an enemy known as 'Moonfish' who could convince anyone that he had entirely lost all sanity. Whose teeth could lengthen at any moment and turn into razor sharp blades ready to attack. He had fought well against the Dragons Hoard trying to overthrow their land and gain control of them- forcing their dragon forms out and to fight for him. The once indestructible mountains filled with lush green grass and meadow flowers had become baron as a result of the battle. Leaving the land dismantled by volcanic ash and rubble. Four months the battle went on for. That's all it took for the Dragons hoard to become an almost extinct race and their territory that overlooked the majority of the country to become a grey wasteland. Their numbers reduced from thousands to less than one hundred world wide. It was a very traumatic event that changed their history significantly. It was this battle that had truly tested the spirit of everyone involved and also the reason why Bakugou had earned his nickname "Barbarian" because of the way he wildly danced around the battlefield using his power to ignite the air around him like fireworks. Each becoming more and more destructive as he went on. Not caring about his enemies, only on the job that had to be done.
Katsuki Bakugou was a young lad who was born with nitroglycerin-like sweat that he could ignite at will. This caused him to become headstrong and crude during battles as he rarely lost. Over the years he had become quite versatile in the ways he used his power. His ' quirk' as they referred to it.
The bloodshed was great from both sides during the catastrophic battle, but with the help of Bakugou's plans they had managed to pull through and just narrowly win.
Even when grieving through battle, even as they fought, Bakugou had created a plan with peace in mind with minimal damage. Bakugou had always tried to offer that in his own way. He offered mercy if they gave up their attack attempts but it fell on deaf ears. They continued on, their want to kill becoming as needed as air to breathe.
The once quiet and humble Hoard being forced into a Hoard of force and violence.
The bodies that were left told a story of horror, of all the souls that could have been saved yet suffered their demise because of one selfish leader. But as always, that was the way of war.
Since then there had been many territorial battles making the two become a frightening duo of force. Building a reputation throughout the Kingdoms as the 'Barbarian and the Red Beast'. Regaining some of the dragon lands, helping them to regrow and flourish again. Increasing the population of the dragons, and reclaiming their titles of being fearsome and battle born warriors.
For each one that lost their life Bakugou had made it a personal mission to bury them inside the main caves instead of leaving their bodies to rot away where they were slain. At least then they would be reunited with the beautiful jewels and natural gems that they were born with. This had earned him a lot of respect from the Dragons, and Kirishima had approved of him which meant the most to him of all. The Dragons had taken him under their wing, quite literally, and agreed to let him live with them as Toya had now banished him.
There he learnt of their deep secrets and adorned a garnet red cape that had been made from their own scales as a token of appreciation. To them, he was one of their own. A single dragon scale can deter any flame, it can protect the wearer from nearly every naturally heated power. They were also worth a small fortune and Bakugou had a full cape of them. This was considered a very high honour. 
That's why training like this was so important, they needed to keep their guard up to be able to handle anything that was thrown their way so that they wouldn't loose so much next time. He wanted to make sure that the traumatic event would never be repeated for anyone. Despite his arrogant and short-tempered manner he was actually very caring and reasonable. Having knowledge and sense of that much his senior.

After calming down they called the shots and started walking back to the main caves. The lands tallest waterfall cascaded down the side of the mountain, and that's where they decided to wash off before the meeting.
The water had its own music that added to the tranquil atmosphere. Despite being completely alone and having been training and fighting together for years, and living together for the last part of those few years, Bakugou would still let Kirishima shower first with complete privacy whilst lying on a nearby rock watching the passing clouds whilst whistling a tune. Kirishima had nothing wrong with Bakugou being there but appreciated the moment for complete privacy that he would always give him. It showed that although they had gotten close there was still boundaries between them, they knew where they were with each other and that was needed. They didn't need anything more, they had their friendship, their trust and their loyalty to each other. They may not have been blood brothers but they certainly felt like it.

Once they had both finished washing away the residue of the early mornings workout and the parts of his skin that had shedded as he transformed back, Kirishima put on his human form as he always did for the royal family and tidied his clothes the best he could. It was only polite that he be in a form where he could communicate and have them understand.

Kirishima was standing currently at 5'7" with his well toned frame and muscular physique, with human skin that was slightly tougher than normal but clean and hairless. In his dragon form he was 9'2" with a wing span of roughly 22ft. His human form allowed him to at least look more approachable in these situations even if Bakugou argued against it saying he shouldn't be afraid to show his true self to others.
Once he had finished and tag-teamed Bakugou in, he took his turn to sit on the rock and shake out his hair waiting for his friend to wash up.
Moments later and they both were both clean, smelling fresh and waiting.
Just coming up over the hill riding in front of the sun came three silhouettes; two mounted on one horse and one on another but their faces indistinguishable, not that they needed their faces to work out who they were. Their shadows were sleek with excellent posture. The clip-clopping of horse shoes on the crunching leaves grew louder.
Bakugou was stood arms crossed waiting with the biggest scowl on his face. Kirishima stood besides him, arms loosely by his side but rocking occasionally back and forth on the balls of his feet and his heels. Out of boredom or restlessness he wasn't sure.

"Presenting, Katsuki Bakugou, former Knight to His Majesty and the Royal Guard, aand son of Mitsuki and Masaru Bakugou. Retired fighter of the Blade Wars, for his Royal Highness King Shoto Todoroki."

His former title cutting him a knife, leaving the past as an open wound visible on Bakugous face.
Iida had arrived first and already had started the introductory speech to the following Shoto who shared his horse with Deku and was only two paces behind. He dismounted his horse and held out his arm towards Bakugou as if Shoto would need a clear sign as to which of the boys he was talking about.
Bakugou puffed his chest in an unamused way towards him..

"And his riding companion, the Red Beast of the Krimson Kingdom, Eijirou Kirishima."

"Pleasure to see you again, Your Highness."

Kirishima respectfully bowed his head, arms sharp to his sides. Bakugou rolled his eyes at the submission.
The air was so tense it could snap. No one spoke. They just stood there for the longest minute in silence making unblinking eye contact.
Years ago they might have all been busy deep in conversation by now but that was years ago and now the air was tense between them. Everything just seemed to stop.



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