Just the Wind

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The clouds had become unusually clumped together today. The way they clutched at each other and bubbled was not normal for a typically warm day this time of year. They seemed in desperate need of the next ones fluffy comfort, fixing together the way a jigsaw piece slots comfortably to its partner.
The light from the sun was dancing over the waves, bright and blinding. It's heat evident- still pushing past the clouds to rest on those below. Looking out to the horizon, it's line had melted becoming one hazy mess that joined both Sea and sky making them indistinguishable.

Bakugou had watched as another ship set off to sail. Denki in the meanwhile, was chatting to a crew member on the ship besides the dock about their lost friend. The frustrated tapping of Bakugou's foot somehow being deafened by the horn of another ship setting off. He yawned but continued to watch and observe, desperate for a good nights sleep- having a thousand picture thoughts race through your mind stops this from happening.
The trail they had been following had led them here but now it had stopped. Now there was nothing. Where would they go from here?

The other blonde came skipping over, a little too energetic considering the time of morning. He rolled up a crumpled piece of parchment into his belt, nodded towards his barbarian companion and opened the conversation:

"Got us passage on the next one travelling out. The guy there said they saw a ship last night set sail but with an unusual amount of cargo and looking suspicious. Think it could be your friend being kidnapped?"

"I don't know dumbass I'm not psychic."

"No guess not, but that would be pretty cool if you were. This would be so much easier"

Denki wiggled his fingers in front of him as small sparks of electricity darted between the tips only to have his hands hit away.


Denki shrugged it off and accompanied his friend towards the ship. Bakugou did his usual hunched over walk up the bridge that joined the boat to the harbour, once then on the ship he walked over to the other side, head down with eyes stern looking off towards the horizon. He settled on the other side of the boat with his back leaning against its wood. Arms crossed over his chest but head turned back, clearly deep in thought.
Denki went about making his way to the captain to pay the fee of joining them.

" dammit shitty-hair you best be on that boat."

For the first time in days and once he noticed he was out of sight of the other crewmen and his follower Bakugou relaxed. Letting the frustration and emotions all roll out with every shoulder roll, slumping onto the side panel, knowing if he didn't his legs may just give from under him.The stress was starting to take its toll and trying to hide it was only getting harder. This barbarian had his weaknesses and keeping them hidden was getting a bit too much.


Sitting down in the wooden chairs, everything in this stone building seemed to be made of some sort of timber or stone.  A burning fire was crackling in the corner and heating up the place to match the warmth of the sun outside.  The shutters on the window behind tapped quietly as the smooth breeze glided across them.  An auditorial reminder about the different world outside.

Momo sat under said window with her arms crossed on the table in front of her. Legs elegantly crossed at the ankles almost side saddling the chair underneath. If it weren't for the chunky half singed armour, messy ponytail and dirty face she could have looked very elegant. Iida paced frantically behind her, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose nearly every other stride.
The blonde girl they'd captured sat on the chair on the other side of the table. Arms tied behind her at the wrists. She watched them with the most bored expression on her face.

"Your name. You said it was.."

"I didn't."

Momo looked back towards Iida who continued his sharp pace line behind her. The two together were really doing the worst good-cop bad-cop routine here.
It had been twelve hours since they had captured the girl and set to work on the recent arson within the village. They'd rested but not by much. Now a pot of already brewed coffee and a few hours of disturbed sleep was the only fuel that kept them going.

The captured girl leaned back in her chair and moved her gaze from the two in front to inspect the room. Lazily sweeping her eyes over the stone walls.

"Look are you going to keep me here for much longer? This is really killing my vibe you know."

Momo quickly stood and slammed her hands on the table this time, as the screams from the victims played on loop in her head she raised her voice to be just as loud.

"Who are you and why are you doing this?"

"My name? Oh it's ... Carmine."


"Well no but it's the only one you're going to get. Look I told you you're really not my type okay."

Playfully the girl smiled, flashing once again those dangerous fangs towards the two guards. Her golden eyes turning almost to piecing slits as she hyper-focused on the girl sat opposite.

Momo remained un-phased, she'd dealt with crooks, and pirates of all people she could handle a little child wanting to play coy.
Interlocking her fingers together, she slowly stretched them out. Taking her time to deliberately stretch each one in turn before folding them together. The motion seemed to give her an aura of authority about her. Even Iida had peered over his glasses temporarily to see what she was doing.
It was at moments like this you could tell why she was next to be the Kings main guard.
Momo took a deep breath and closed her eyes to concentrate. A long black rope created entirely from her quirk started protruding itself from her bosom. Wiggling it's way out until it was easily around three feet long. Once it had stopped she handed it over her shoulder to Iida.
He nodded, understanding the silent assignment and with the speed from his engines had ran around the captured girl with it until he had secured her to the chair snug. He skidded to a halt besides the door looking proud of himself with his posture regained and proper once more.
Momo nodded to him to leave them alone. That's when the captured "Carmine" started to become flighty, her blushed complexion dropped. Her eyes grew and became full Bambi eyes. She struggled against her restraints the realisation of what's happening hitting her all at once.
Momo stood walked around her desk and as Iida shut the door gave a full face slap to the girl. The sound of her palm colliding had been covered well by the slam of the door shutting.


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