The Damned

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Momo and Iida were busy assisting the other guards to put out another fire. They had been kept busy almost for the entirety of the night trying to diminish them. Numerous fires had been started, forming a perfect circle around the town. With the help of the wind, the flying flames caught hold of the nearby tree branches and decorated their leaves with the heat until they joined the circle and forced the inhabitant animals to scurry or fly away.
Some had been getting out of control- the guards dared not to show signs of giving up otherwise they risked loosing the Kingdom and that was unacceptable.
The two in particular were drenched in sweat, exhaustion riddled their faces, sleep and rest no longer accustomed to their bodies. Pushing themselves beyond their limits to rescue and save as many as they could. Never stopping doing all that they can to push themselves on more. They could barely stand and gather their thoughts before another would shout to be saved.
The last house fire consumed everything in its wake. Charring whatever it could reach and destroying what was once a comfortable home. The cry of the damned inside melting away with the remainder of its walls- A young nuclear family of both parents and two children unlucky enough to be saved. Momo cried along with them, desperately shouting orders to get to them whilst he legs shook beneath her. Their cries quietened- they were too late. She screamed out again letting the agony and pain come out in the only way she had energy left for.
Iida had come beside her and consoled her, his hand on her hair as he whispered soothing words into her ear. Reassuring her that they tried, they had done what they could, she had done all she could. Trying to push him away her hands flailed at him with minimal energy, her strength had been used on getting to the victims now she didn't have any left. Eventually she had given up and let him engulf her into a hug the way the flames had the home.
The sadness was a cold feeling that started to drown Momo in a way only those who've suffered true loss know all too well. She couldn't feel her legs anymore the sorrow had swept them from her, if it weren't for Iida catching her she'd have fallen hard to her knees. It took all her strength to not scream out again, to instead wipe blindly at her eyes. Her soul cried out for the family and the countless others they'd lost that night. The salty pools that formed in her eyes over spilling whenever she thought more of them and how little success she had of saving them.
At the start of yesterday there were roughly a couple thousand residents in Shoto's Kingdom, now that number had depleted leaving roughly 360. That meant that from the day the fires had started to now, almost two thirds of the population had been killed by them. The rebels were recruiting and getting quite successful, and both Iida and Momo knew riots were bound to start happening soon too.
Another guard had approached and whispered something into Iida's ear as he continued to comfort Momo. It had snapped Iida's head up bringing him to his feet in a moment. Momo had broken from her sorrow long enough to see Iida sprint off with a couple of his guards behind the burnt building and down the alley, she took after them distracted by the sudden adrenaline long enough to temporarily give up on her emotions.
They stopped when their pathway was blocked. A girl, couldn't have been more than early twenties stood frantically searching around for an escape. She looked like an antelope being cornered by a hungry cheetah.
She was young looking, with light ash blonde hair being held in pigtails at the sides of her head. Loose curls wrapped around the clips holding the pigtails in place with sporadic pieces sticking out. Her eyes were bold and wide trying to take in as much as possible. They were the colour of the sun and looked like they could see right through you. It was a little haunting looking straight into them.
Her movements stopped.
She focused on the guards and suddenly grew the largest grin, pointed teeth flashed a smile at them.

"Oh wow. You're all here just for me!"

Her white blouse hugging her body moved with her as she excitedly jumped when she spoke. Her black cape swishing behind her.
Two pale hands came up to her face in fists that she happily shook.

"That's so romantic of you! But I'm sorry you're really not my type!"

"Stop! Why were you at the scene of the crime?"

"Rude! I have a name."

"Tell us your name girl."

"Again! You're so rude. Not gentleman like at all."

Iida pushed up his glasses and took a step forward, head down taking in a deep frustrated breath.

"I will ask again, do not make me question you a third time. Why were you seen at the scene?"

"That ones simple. Because I did it. I lit the fires isn't that cool!"

Iida's eyes grew sharp, his body frigid. The engines on his calves flared up burning away his lower trousers.
Circling and blocking off all exists the guards got to work in capturing the mysterious girl.

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