Screaming Brick Boxes

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"Oh no Sire I insist!"

"I see, thank you most kindly."

Todoroki bowed his head, short and sharp towards the stall seller after accepting a basket of fresh fruit. He had the intent to only buy one apple on their way to the prison as it dawned on him they both hadn't eaten in a while, however the owner clearly had a different idea and insisted that the King have a completed basket. Drowning on about how it was such an honour to serve the King and his friend.
Deku graciously accepted the basket for Shoto fearing that if his stomach growled any louder the villagers might confuse it for a wild beast.

They continued on through the market. Giving a wave every now and then to passer-by's who would bow in respect. There was no where near the normal response he'd get. Typically the market was hustling and bustling by now. So busy that bodies brushed against the next. The air was close and humid and that's before the sun had shone down.
You'd have to shout to be heard and then shout louder than the crowd again as everyone rose their voices to be heard, fighting for the attention. Be it buyers negotiating or sellers trying to attract more to browse their goods.
Spices and herbs of every kind filled the air with their luring aroma's and attracted the growling stomachs of those who'd gone too close.
Today they weren't going to work. Shoto and Deku forced their legs forward as fast as they'd carry them before breaking off into a jog. The ground fortunately cobble filled and relatively smooth beneath them. The slight decline making the hike easier.

Reaching the entrance of the prison the two rang on the bell to alert a guard of their presence. Tightly gripping the fruits basket Deku anxiously paced. Shortly after they were being led in by two firm looking guards with faces stern and sunken. Their eyes dark and lacking sleep, backs stiff and upright. They forward marched in unison down the maze-like corridors with the two closely following behind.
The In-mates eyes stalked the basket being carried past their gates. Shouts from them were almost deafening. Deku did his best to cover his ears to manage the noise for the first twenty feet until they had grown more accustomed to it. The iron bars separating the inmates from the visitors rattled and banged as they threw themselves violently against them for escape. Shoto took the lead in front of Deku and pressed on.

Each prison cell was a brick box full of sorrow and anger, with one small excuse for a window and tall iron bars that granted the prisoner no privacy from the inner building. A pile of hay and straw gathered in a heap on the floor for a makeshift bed, and one bucket. That's all each inmate was granted. Some weren't even allowed straw due to the natures of their quirks causing a potential fire hazard, nonetheless these were considered the "comfortable" cells and by standards wise were a lot cleaner than the ones below ground- those harboured the most dangerous of criminals.

Eventually the two had reached the Interrogation Room. The smell of rust and old iron-rich blood had forever ingrained itself on its walls. Insulting every nostril with its stench. Three more steps and they would be right at the door ready to greet both Momo and Iida inside with this potential arson-culprit.

Shoto took a steady and deep breath. He may not be able to keep his cool around his friends but interrogation was surprisingly a very strong area for him. His strong demeanour meant he was hard to read and that made it harder for the ones being interrogated to work around him.
Deku stepped forward and placed a single hand onto his Kings back- just a gentle reminder that he wasn't alone and that as always Deku would have his back.
The King nodded to the tallest of the two guards who opened the door, stepped inside and led the way.

The fire was no longer lit, now the breeze from outside drafted into each corner of the room. A chair and table under the window now led toppled, paper and ink thrown chaotically around the floor and broken rope on top of it. Some of it had landed in the fireplace and singed it's ends.
Led on the floor besides it all and unconscious was none other than Momo. Her face sporadically dusted in both soot and fresh bruising. Old blood from her nose had dried and covered her entire nostril like a crusted red cave. The position of the nostril bone had led in a difficult position displaying signs that it had clearly been broken.

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