The Grateful Citizen

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An hour of helping to gather the last of the salvageable bricks together, Kirishima stopped to accept a drink of water from a few grateful residents. Not one suspicious of this young mans defined strength or features. It wasn't long before he was back on his way. Bakugou, his rider, had already left to go to host the council meeting which meant that Kiri could be left to his own devices for the rest of the day.
Apart of him wanted to return back to the King and see if he could be of anymore use with the riddle again, there had to be something more he could be doing to help. Another part wanted nothing more than to transform back and swan dive from the nearest cliff to feel the same adrenaline rush he had felt this morning. He walked on pondering which he would prefer.

"Excuse me, please wait."

Kirishima had become so lost in his own thoughts that he hadn't realised he had walked into a darkened alleyway alone with a dead end. He turned at the voice.

"Can I help you?"

Kirishima politely responded to a hooded figure who had appeared to chase after Kiri, and stopped to catch their breath now that he was out of his thoughts and had reached a dead end. Kiri assumed he was another grateful citizen.

"Are you... are you from the Dragon Kingdom?"

The voice was husky and monotoned. Almost as if they were bored but still had to carry out a chore.

"Oh um yes, I guess you could say that."


With that Kirishima's body went stiff, his eyes rolled back until they were pure white. He couldn't move, having no choice but to stand there frozen in place. Suddenly loosing all control of his body to this stranger. The hooded figure threw back their hood to let their purple messed hair free. It bounced back into its messy spikes as it was let go. The colour similar to fresh violets. The face was quite well polished. Good cheek bones, two sunken eyes almost bruised with eye bags. A slim set of lips forming a mouth covered by a peculiar looking mechanical mask. He screamed of tiredness and bad posture. The stranger approached.

"I don't believe we've met. That's good. I can use that."

The violet-haired man walked forward and commanded Kirishima to transform holding out his arms. Without a seconds thought he did just that, with his outstretched arms he transformed them into his powerful wings, letting them fall at his sides again. The transformation had made him look rather odd and the purple haired boy only chuckled to himself as he stood there defenceless and malformed. He wrapped his arms around Kiri's neck and whispered another command into his ear. Kiri looked up to the sky and used his wings to lift the two of them up, travelling fast so that no villager would have time to notice.
Once in the air and in between the warmth of the sun and the fluff of the clouds Kirishima transformed into his full form, the speed of their flight forcing him to transform to withstand the G force.
The stranger had moved whilst they transformed to sit comfortably on the dragons back. Having sat in the right spot almost instantly as if trained to do so.
He pushed on the spot between Kirishima's ears to guide him forward as they flew over the streets and eastbound towards the abandoned ruins.
The wind currents brushed through the boys hair and attacked his face causing him to shiver and tuck his body into Kiri's back to protect from the wind.
Kirishima continued to fly straight and calm, his wings easily slicing through the winds streams like a hot knife through butter.


The council had come to an end, they had decided that the best course of action was as follows:

-The Red Dragon and the Barbarian were to track and follow Tetsu's tracks. Gathering what intel they could on the dragon and what had been happening.

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