A Smile only a Mother can give

40 2 23

(I thought this was suitable for Mother's Day to be posted early, so enjoy!)

Taking the long ride back to the palace the trio saddled back up and continued on under the heat of the sun. It wasn't uncomfortable but they had started to abandon a few layers after the first half an hour.

"What's the plan now then? Do you think the thief could have something to do with this map?"

Deku was the first to break the silence, he questioned the others whilst taking off his waist coat and folding it into the messenger back he carried with him. Small beads of sweat were starting to gather along his brow that he eagerly wiped away with the back of his hand.
Shoto looked up towards the clouds unsure on how to answer his friend. With emotions still unsettled he wasn't sure answering now would be the best idea otherwise his words may not sound too convincing. He took a deep breath instead closing his eyes for a few beats of his heart.

"Well I'll gather a few of the guards together, we have a baker and a certain librarian to question after all. Regardless of whether the thief is behind this or not we have a responsibility to take care of possible traitors first."

Iida pushed his glasses back up onto the bridge of his nose with his middle finger as he spoke. Authority radiating from his voice and posture. Despite the heat, he was the only one who hadn't taken a form of clothing off yet.

"But what about the Dragons, the thief? Surely we should be doing something to help them too this sounds like it could get serious."


Shoto's voice caught both the boys off guard. Iida slowed the pace down to make sure he understood and heard correctly what just happened.


"No. Our priority is the kingdom, the dragon hoards and Kat.. Bakugou left years ago. If they wanted to leave us they can't expect us to still protect them like children. Iida is right."

"But Sho, it's Kirishima's family, they could be good allies to have against the rebels. They might have left us but we still make good trades with them they're our allies, we should help them."

Deku pressed further until Shoto had stopped the horse, pulling sharp on the reins. The sudden halt caused Deku to bump Shoto's back.

"I said no. Iida gather the guards and talk to the villagers in question. Deku as your friend, no, as your King, I demand that you do not try to save the Dragons and instead try and focus on working out this map. You heard Bakugou, the Elder Scales are already involved they will handle the thief. We shall meet back at the Palace Hall in two hours."

Deku dismounted and paused for a moment in disbelief. Forgetting that at the snap of his fingers his kind hearted friend could quickly reveal his cold side and the 'I am King' card leaving Deku with no choice but to obey. He bowed low and ran off towards the Kingdom. What else could he do?

Shoto looked towards Iida with his eyes stern and expecting. Iida bowed his head once and galloped off towards the stables and courtyard. The Guard offices were close by and there's where he would make his first stop to gather a few together.
Simultaneously Shoto headed back to the Palace. Taking a long strided canter instead of his typical trot. The thumping of the hooves under him on the soft grass seemingly in a meditative rhythm, he allowed for this distraction until he had gotten to the front door. There he dismounted, and with a quick wave of his hand two servants came and took the horse away back to the stables, the other opening the front door for him.
He stormed towards the one hall that his father had metamorphosed into a dojo.
Stripped off his riding jacket and cravat leaving just his white shirt, and started to quietly but violently punch the wooden practise dummies that stood in the far corner. Not stopping even after his fists had turned bloody and bruised. Colourful flames and williwaws shot from his body as he attacked wrapping themselves into every corner of the room until no inch had been untouched.

A New Kingdom to RuleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang