A Toss in the Sand

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The evening brought a brisk yet gentle breeze. With the tide out and retreating back to its horizon. The night sky already started to dismiss itself and waves formed orderly soap-lines that chased after it. A hazy pink and burnt orange flooded the sky, it's colours reflected on the waters surface.
Inside of the groups shelter remained comfortable with the four campers resting beside a well lit fire. The remainder of their food wrapped securely in leaves beside it; three coconut shells broken in half and with its fillings carved out. They were now being used to hold water. Bakugou sat leaning against his catch of the morning, sipping from one of the shells. His used blade resting on his thigh, always being kept close as a precaution.

Mina was snoring serenely away with her arms lazily draped around Kiri's giant leg. A make-shift hand holding position of sorts. Her side leaning against the dragons thick neck.
The dragon almost looked like he was breathing with the flicker from the flames moving over his scales, it gave the impression of shallow breaths. They each took turns sitting beside Kiri, never allowing him to be alone.
Kaminari finished poking at the fire before perching himself in the corner he had previously claimed as his own.
The comfortable silence dismantled.

"What a night hm? So... is this it now?"

"What did you just say dunceface?"

'Dunceface' was Bakugous latest nickname for the blonde. A mockery at his moronic questions he had asked about basic survival skills.

"Well, you know. We've been here for days now, doing well, nothing.. and I just thought..."

Bakugou's mouth turned into a snarl as the other blonde spoke. His irritation causing his eyes to slowly roll up to death stare the other down before he spat out,

"You don't really think though, do you?"

"Huh? No listen wait a minute, I just mean"

"You really are so stupid. We are not leaving here until HE wakes up."

"Kat, it's a DRAGON. I didn't even know they existed until I saw him and even now I doubt he's actually alive. We're better off just burying him and continuing on. We can't be expected to live out here. With all due respect Kat, he's probably gone. Soon he'll start to rot and that's only going to ..."

Kaminari kept his head down as he spoke but gestured with his hand toward Kiri. Unsure on how to approach the topic.
This was not the way.

"Shut your fucking mouth!"

Bakugou had risen throwing his shell to the floor, walked over to the other blonde and grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt dragging him outside as he protested, his hands burning the front of the gripped shirt and with eyes that could burn into the soul.

Loud bangs and shouts followed the two as they scrapped on the sands. Quick fire darting out of Bakugous clawed hands heading straight for the other idiots face, only to be met with the back of Kaminaris arms when he'd block. Burns soon began kissing at his skin, roasting away at his hairs and leaving soon to be permanent scars.
Kaminari had managed to grimace as he evaded another strike, flicking his hair from his face and sent one of his own out. Pointing his finger into a gun position towards the angry blonde whilst a bolt of unstable electricity shot forward. Striking the ground a few feet away from the unexpected Katsuki. Not really targeted at him but more as a warning that he was prepared to hold his own. The sand where the lightning hit singed and burned as the heat scorched its surface. Smoke filling the distance between them.

Mina had rushed out to join the boys, alarm and worry flooding her face. She had managed to push Kat away just as he prepared his retaliating blow. He swore a few unkind words at her but dropped his hands aware of how close he was to hurting her.
A short amount of time had passed in silence between the three. Each one of their faces desperate for different needs.


Mina held Bakugous hand in the softest of manners, her nose scrunching as she looked up at him with sympathy. The residual heat warming her hand a little too quickly for her to be comfortable with. Though she knew he was controlling the worst of it from her.

Denki was the one to break the tension between the previous fighters, putting his hands into his pockets and rocking his weight back and forth between his feet like an impatient child. The surprising kindness in his voice showing that he of all people understood the pain.

"Look man, I'm sorry okay! He means a lot to you I get it. Friendships are hard to loose"

"He's more than a friend you idiot .."

Bakugou turned his back towards the two and stomped off past the hut and across the beach.

"I ... haven't lost you have I?"

He bowed his head down silently questioning and clenched his fist as he walked off, deciding his energy was better used on something else.
Mina held up her palm to Kaminari before he could pass her to follow. Signalling for him to leave it.


The day had been continuing on hour after hour and yet Sero couldn't find enough hours in the day to sneak off into the fields and learn most about himself.. Scales had been shedding left and right, and dominant feelings that he struggled to control were presenting themselves in the most inconvenient of times.
His hair as black as a poets ink covered his eyes as he leaned down to pick yet another scale from the grass after shifting back once more, surely if he were to loose another someone would become suspicious.

A couple of days had passed since his first shift, after regular practise he had started to become a lot quicker at it. Mastering what typically took most hybrids weeks to learn. There had been times where he would volunteer to shepherd the younglings just so that he could watch and learn ways about changing that he had previously never been taught.

He gathered a handful more, each the size of aspen leaves and shoved them into his pockets. Just like a spark of electricity, blood rushed into shoulders causing the young man to shiver and halt his actions. Eyes had shifted from slits back to human pupils in just the same time.
The sudden change causing him to become woozy until the blood gradually released itself travelling further downward to its target. His pants had now become very snug.

"For fuck sake. ONE DAY, that's all I ask, what the hell is going on with me?"

Scrambling to re-adjust himself he groaned.

Along with the body changes came heightened arousal and other senses or mood changes.
This time of year would be the worst for a new changling to discover themselves as it was breeding season for the fantastic beasts. It was hard enough for the young man to control himself, but for the added pressure of the change too- it was going to be a very long week.

Alas his secret remained his to bare.
That was to remain the case until a young woman, no more than early twenties had ran limping through the field. She called out to him blood gurgling in her throat as she spoke whilst her soaked hand clutched a fresh wound on her waist. Instantly stopping his actions he span around, startled he ran to her.

"Woah, Miss are you alright? You need a doctor!"

A pretty pathetic question he would acknowledge later on.
He swept her arm around his neck as he ran to her side to support her.

"Please, danger. They're.."

"Yeah, wonderful, I can see you're in danger but you're going to be in more danger if we can't get you to a doctor soon. Hey what's your name?"

He gave a gentle shake to prompt her to speak as her voice became whispers. He inspected her, looking for any other injuries or signs of identification. Nothing, she had nothing, she wore a torn up black ripped up undershirt and loose flimsy trousers, but did wear a gauntlet on her one hand. A dented and blood-stained gauntlet but a gauntlet none the less.

The young woman could barely lift her head up to answer as her knees went from under her. Consciousness fading. The full weight now being held up by the boy.



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