Ashes to Ashes

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Todoroki's eyes stayed fixed and glued to the mystery in front of him. Skilfully controlling his breathing as he watched for any slight movement. His hand wrapped around their throat gradually tightening.

"Aww no fair I was having fun."

Now as Dekus face dissolved away, lying underneath like a wolf in sheep's clothing was that of a girls; with cat slit eyes, golden pigtails and sabre tooth style fangs.
Todoroki only tightened his grip.

"Witch! Where is he?!"

"Who cares?"

She smiled a toothy menacing grin, saliva lingering between her canines in streams.

"I do, now I demand you answer me or so be the rest of your life."

Todoroki wasted no time. His arm had begun heating up starting at the elbow and working its way down until even the fingers wrapped around her pretty throat were starting to glow.

With one hand the girl lazily stuck up her middle finger as she poked out her tongue to the Royal. Rage bubbled just as quick as the heat, and within a mere second had grabbed hold of her wrist with his spare hand, holding it tight within his grasp and set it on fire. The smell of the burnt flesh had flooded the room along with her screams.
Todoroki remained on top of her, eyes now just as menacing and begging her to continue on so he could torture more of her body parts.
She protested by screaming and rolling frantically around trying all she may to escape him. Shoto only held tighter and maintained eye contact the entire time.

"I will ask once more. Now I suggest you think wisely about your answer."

This time Shoto's left hand pressed against her crown and temples. The lingering heat on the pads of his fingers singeing stray hair strands.

"Precious baby is gone."

She spat the words. Fear and hatred flooding her vision in the form of tears.

"Then I have no time for you."

Crushing into her skin he lifted her head and slammed in back into the floor. By the time the sound of the impact had reached his ears she had already been sent up in flooded waves.

Moments later and the young heated King had stood, dusted himself off wiping the last of the charred remains off of his hands and walked out the door towards the corridor of prisoners once more.
His head was angled down with his fringe shadowing his eyes. Fists bawled at his sides as he stormed down the stares. Breath slow and controlled but like a dragon steam contrails blew out of his mouth.

He reached the end of the passage way where the roars and pleads had now become deathly quiet. Inmates stared with uncertainty at their King. No longer where they challenging or mocking.
One closest to the King backed away from the iron bars until his back was against the stone wall adjacent.

With a powerful stomp of his left foot the angered King sent ice spikes across the floor in front of him, pointing towards each cell. Their spikes growing in an agonisingly slow pace until they were starting to spike through the bars and further in.

"Where is he?"

Shoto screamed at the inmates, threatening them to defy him an answer like the last one.
A few shot bewildered looks between them, but all stayed silent, slowly backing further into their corners.

"Fine. Then I'll have to kill you all we have no need for you here."

Shoto twisted the same iced foot thirty degrees which sent the spikes on a faster spree. Now there were screams as more inmates became impaled and gurgled on their own blood.

"You're supposed to be our kind King but you're no different to the last crazed one!"

One lonesome voice shot through the screams catching Shoto's attention. It's defiance stung and prickled his skin. It sickened him to be compared to his older brother. But right now he had lost his dear friend, Momo had been close to death, his guards seemed to be fighting an endless war with these mysterious fires and then there was the issue of his old Barbarian rival and pet lizard. The spiralling emotions were too much for the young royal to hide now. So why bother?

"I'm nothing like him."

One final rotation of his foot later and the last of the screams had been silenced. Now the ice had become red spikes of ended life.

"I will be more."


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