White Beryl and Gypsum

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What could ever be a more beautiful flame than that of the first flicks of a morning sunrise. The morning representing new promises was eagerly welcomed by the birds first light song. A chirpy serenade that begrudgingly woke Shoto from his peaceful slumber. It wasn't often that he got to have a lie in these days, who knew Royal duty would stop you from dreaming even when it was usually expected. The time had passed since the crowning ceremony and there had been only a handful of days in that time that he had been able to have a lie in. Today clearly was not going to be one of those days.

Despite his eyes barely managing to stay open, the light coming through the window remained dead set on testing his patience. Grumbling, he moved the blanket from his sleep deprived body. His toes ready to welcome the soft teddy fleece of the rug beneath him. Despite the day-shine, the air was crisp and fresh. His breath escaping it's warm cave to form an almost transparent cloud in front of his face.
Taking a moment to wake, he yawned. His mind was already making plans for the day whilst his body was reluctant to follow the commands to move.

"Good morning your Majesty, the sun is shining beautifully, and the view over on Casper's Creek is just magical. Truly worth the ride over."
A light knocking on his bedroom door followed by a stern tenor voice recognisably by Shoto's head of security and personal assistant, Knight Iida of the Tenya family. All loyal and hard working, a true honour to the Kings court and a great friend.

"Yes thank you Iida."
Ruffling his hair Shoto forced his body awake and to change into his attire as Iida continued on.

"If I may Sir, the schedule as follows. 8:30am you are to meet with a Sir Izuku Midoriya, apparently the young man has news on the Rebels from the East and their recent hideout. 9:15am, you are to meet with the Dragon hoard. As I'm sure you are aware it is paramount we get them on our side if we are to win this war. At 10am you are then to ..."

Iida droned on, almost in a monotone voice that tempted Shoto back to sleep. Now normally Shoto was a very patient youth who would gladly listen to his friend read off his schedule for the day just as he had done every morning since the ceremony, he was so serious and formal and sometimes hearing him add his own opinion on the occasional issue would cause Shoto to smile. He was getting used to the morning routine and having a friend he could trust and rely on beside him every step was a great reassurance. Once Iida had finished reading out the schedule he left to collect the young King's riding gear. Shoto on the other hand, now fully ready for the early morning, paced towards the stables ready to start the first mission on his list.
Passing the guards on the way out Shoto kept his head down, trying hard not to make eye contact with any of them, afraid they would start a conversation that he simply wasn't ready for.
They bowed their heads when he passed, seeing their King was just as ready to avoid talking as they were. It was too early for all of them.

There's always a sense of peace at the stables, being alone with the horses a King could hear his own thoughts. The work of tacking up was done quick with expertise the way he had been trained all his life for. He used simple, precise movements that had been well practised over the years making swift work of the reins. His horse obediently stood as his rider had next prepared the saddle. Standing like a model of the highest sophisticated breeding. Even the horse looked proud to be in the Royal Highness's presence.
The horses ears leaned back listening as Shoto quietly spoke, almost as though it was a secret he knew that they could share. That morning two hearts intertwined for a moment as they always did. They both seemed to settle and relax into each others company whilst they waited for Iida to return with Shoto's riding gear.

Iida returned handing over a pair of freshly polished riding boots, lapis blue trimmed with the brightest golden rim. If his uniformed attire didn't show he was of importance then his riding gear certainly would. After slipping his feet into his boots and mounting his horse he took a few moments to compose himself.
White Beryl was the name of the horse. He had been his trusted to the royal from a young age, he was the first horse he had ridden and he wished he would be his last even though he knew the stallion wouldn't live that long. White Beryl named after the gemstone was a beautifully tall Orlov Trotter, standing at an unusual 16.2 hands high. He had always had a very calm temperament and that had always been something Shoto was appreciative of as when he was learning to ride he had been quite shy and scared of horses, White Beryl had helped to earn his trust and build up his confidence. Since then the two had been inseparable.
"Thank you Iida, are you accompanying us this morning?"
Shoto asked quizzically towards Iida who had jogged off towards to tack room.

"Indeed sir for your safety. It is of upmost importance that I keep you safe. As a member of your royal guard and as your personal assistant I would insist that I accompany you."

"You could have just said yes Iida."

Iida briskly returned with a black saddle hooked on his left arm, and a set of reins wrapped around his right. Shoto nodded in response and walked his horse on forward a few steps to make more room for Iida who had entered into the stable behind him.
There was a huge 18.6 hands high Hanoverian horse whose glossy coat was a mouse grey. It's mane and tails were thick, well kept and dark.
He had previously been an artillery stallion during Toya's reign that had quickly been gelded due to his overly boisterous behaviour. He then was given to Iida to train for the guards however the horse had only ever taken to Iida, so Iida made sure to only use him for rides be it out of respect for the horse.
The moment he saw Iida open his stable door he rose to his feet and started nickering towards him, pressing his nose against Iida's palm in a "I remember you friend" notion. This always warmed Iida's heart.
They had called the horse Gypsum, once again after the jewel. Many of the horses owned by the royal family had previously belonged to the dragon hoards, wildly roaming their pastures protected by the fearsome fire breathers. They traded the horses in return for jewels that had been dug up, for each jewel traded a horse would be named after them. Gypsum had actually been traded for 100kg of gypsum due to his impressive height and muscle.
Making him the most expensive horse besides that of White Beryl.

Once they had both comfortably climbed onto their horses backs, and rearranged their stirrups and girth straps to suit them they trotted on towards the gates, ready to head out through the outdoor riding school. The rubber reins being held tight had promised blisters on their ungloved hand. Typically they both would have worn gloves but this morning Iida hadn't mentioned nor had he brought any and for a reason Shoto wasn't quite sure of yet, he felt that this was a small act of rebellion again his old man and for that he smuggly smiled.

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