Blackened Bond-space

5 0 15

Relief; an emotional valve that had finally been turned until all that was held inside Katsuki could be released unto the world. Until every single muscle in his body oozed with pent up pressure until the valve spun again and all of his stress wept from him. The biggest smile beamed from the anger-filled youth. He had meant the laugh and every deep wheeze and tear that it had made him do as a result of expelling too much air suddenly. It felt so good to have that release. Wiping away his laughter he placed his free hand onto the side of the dragon. An instant zap of energy jolted through him, and not caused by Kaminari, causing his body to stagger away. It appeared that both boy and dragon must have felt this at the same time as they both looked at each other startled with beady wide eyes.

"Kat, what is it?"

Ever so observant, Mina cautiously approached Kat with a hand outstretched as if she was sure he would collapse and need her to save him a moments notice.

"Pinky come here let me try this..."

Bakugou reached out and grabbed hold of Mina's hand with a force that made the poor girl gasp. But there were no sparks- no electric jolt that stung like needles to the skin.

"That was cool! You two had built like a full circuit for a minute . Weird how you aren't now though, maybe it's just dragons it affects?"

Mina and Katsuki equally gave the other side eyes.

Kaminari, who had now moved to the dragons side and was scratching his scales the way humans scratch under a dogs chin, had piped, not too surprised but enough to warrant an eyebrow raise.

"What did you say?"

"Oh just that, Bakugou and Kiri... the energy between them then was like they had created their own power source. It was cool! Never seen it just conjured like that."


Bakugou's gaze had gone down to his palm. His mind blazed a thousand thoughts on what that could mean.

"Wait what? But I didn't see anything!"

"Sorry then Mina"

Kaminari adjusted a stray stand of hair back into place before continuing,

"I know since I was a young kid i've been able to see electricity in nearly all forms when it passes or is made. I can hear the buzz of currents and pathways. I can see the sparks even to the tiniest zaps. Just something i've always managed."

Kaminari shrugged to show the lack of interest in the subject. Letting the faintest of electric sparkles sizzle from the ends of his hair until they connected with his raised shoulders to demonstrate his power.


As if to reiterate what he was on about and what his specialty was in.

"So what sparky? Me and him created electricity. Woohoo."

Feigned boredom rolled off every syllable, but inside he was as curious as Alice in her adventures around Wonderland. Daren't let them see that though.

Mina ran back to Denki and kept trying to poke his torso, his hair, his cheeks, anywhere to see if she could get the same result. But alas she didn't. A pout erupted on her face.

"Yep, precisely. Though, its rare that ordinary people can just make them like that- normally takes a lot of training or at least be a born-quirk. Then again, can't really say there is anything ordinary about you two."

Kaminari took his turn to laugh as all three turned to face him with their own forms of a frown. His chin tilted up as he laughed. For once he felt he was in the loop more than them and finally did he feel just ever so important and useful to them. This feeling felt powerful, he could get used to it.

A New Kingdom to RuleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora