The Law must be Just.

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Bakugou stirred awake. The quiet snores of his friends surrounding him whilst the sound of distant waves outside splashed into each other. He rolled onto his side, eyes still shut enjoying the moments peace with his back pressed against his still dragon.
It had been three days and still the dragon lay lifeless in the hut with no signs of any movement.
Bakugou couldn't bring himself to part from him yet for any reason. Those three days he had stuck beside him like glue. Two pieces of one whole forbidden to separate.

Shuffling further back into the dragon he listened tentatively for any sign of disturbance.
Waves, wind, sand, heavy snores, but no dragon breath.
The scaly beast was stone cold and as stiff as death it's self. A single tear trickled down Bakugous cheek as he involuntarily clenched his jaw.

The smell of salt water and burning wood spiralled about the hut causing his stomach to gurgle and groan as a result. Neither of the others appeared awake yet and after being up continuously the past few days taking sleeping shifts he didn't really want to wake them now.

With his eyes still closed Bakugou focused on the sounds around him, a distraction for his now vocal empty stomach. Apparently the gurgles were loud enough to wake his newest companion, who moaned and stretched as he gain consciousness from his slumber.

Kaminari rolled from his back onto his knees, shaking his blonde locks from his not-yet awoken face. His breathy yawn breathed warm air from his lips into the hut.

"Man I'm starving!"

The golden-haired boy who looked like a fresh dawn directed the statement upward, not really towards anything.He had surveyed his surroundings when he slipped on his boots and left the hut, careful not to wake the other two.
The sleeping slumber dared pull Bakugou back into its fantasy depths. His eyes only staying conscious long enough to watch the other blonde slip out the door.

Hours had passed.

Both Mina and Bakugou by now had started a new fire and were exchanging light conversation and laughter. Her arm caressing Kirishima's scaled neck in the softest of pats as she giggled. The warmth from the fire wasn't the only thing keeping the air comfortable.

A sand-sprinkled Kaminari had finally returned with arms loaded of fresh food. Berry sticks, fresh plums, and three fish tied to a string around his waist. Not the biggest catch but enough to maintain them for the day. Kaminari sat in a triangle from the other two on the other end of the fire and began spearing the fish to roast over it.


"Hey Mina. Sorry I took so long. You make it look so easy! I guess I'm just not adept to it like you are."

"Ha, clearly. You city boys still have a thing to learn."

They joked together as Mina quickly chomped down on a sweet plum, wiping with the back of her hand as the saliva droplets escaped as she ate and spoke.

Bakugou stayed silent, his attention now turned back to his dragon. Unsheathing his blade from his waist band he set to work cutting up the plums as the others spoke, he may be a barbarian on the battle field but he still had manners with regards to food. Then holding the blade between his teeth and in a genuflection position, pried open Kirishima's giant muzzle to force the plum pieces in. Then just like every meal time, had held up the dragons head until the food had slipped down his throat. Every day Bakugou had made sure that his dragon had ate and be kept clean even if he wasn't awake to see it. He refused to believe that Kirishima may not be there anymore and that his efforts would be in vain.

The other two watched on in silence.


"Don't. Just don't."

A New Kingdom to RuleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon