High Hopes

27 1 15

(My apologies for not uploading last week I was super busy! But enjoy!)

Having retreated from their meeting Bakugou paced the opening to the darkened cave as Kirishima laid the last of the crocus flowers. The soil filled cave hidden from the rays of the sun was the place that they buried all the dead and would visit daily to lay fresh flowers or to maintain the flowers that had previously been laid out.
Kirishima stood once he had finished, patted the dirt from his trousers and turned to his friend raising an eyebrow as he did.

"You know if you pace like that any more there won't be much ground left."

He smiled and ruffled his hair with his free hand walking to stand besides Bakugou who had turned and used his closed fist to bonk the top of his partners head quite playfully. They both smiled at each other. Neither of them meaning harm. Fighting as brothers do.

"He really got to you huh?"

Bakugou couldn't remember when he had become that easy to read, it caught him off guard for a moment. His face free from the frown showed his softer side, almost enough to make Kirishima's cheeks blush the cutest hint of pink.

"Tch don't be stupid hair-for-brains, as the King, as ... you'd think he would have more concern for your lot, after everything they've done for him in the past."

Bakugou wrapped his cloak around his shoulders as if to comfort himself almost as though he was starting to retreat as he spoke, fully aware that his friend could see his softer side but no longer feeling the need to hide it. Kirishima took this moment to transform back into his true hybrid form, opened his scaly wings and gave a heart-filled toothy grin.

"You always know how to cheer me up... yeah let's go."

Behind the the dragon eyes Kirishima's body always showed compassion. He made it a silent language for only his rider to understand . To any onlooker this fantastical beast would be quite daunting. Crouched on all fours smiling wildly towards the human boy. Eyes the size of the boys entire head, unblinking, watching. It was only the riders that could interpret their dragons unspoken language. It's what helped to keep their bonds so strong.

Sitting comfortable on Kirishima's shoulders as he normally did, they lept together from the entrance into the sky to become one with the clouds. Making their gathered adrenaline their own natural high that they both needed. Taking deep breaths to fill as much of their bodies and souls with the fresh air. The wonderful feeling quickly turning both their frowns into big cheesy grins and shouts of 'wahoo!' as they climbed higher. Their flight becoming similar to a funfair ride, giving them the same rush as a rollercoaster with all the dips and turns. When flying together like this it was easy to see why it could become an addiction. The feeling so elevating and free. This is what true magic feels like, forget powers.
Together they spent the rest of the morning roaming the skies, banking between the clouds and soaring higher than any birds. The flap of Kirishima's wings brushing against the wind although powerful and very strong they barely made a sound in the air.

Arms wide to the sides, Bakugou threw back his head with his eyes closed. He sighed a sigh of relief, this is what he needed. Sensing his partner relax Kirishima stretched his wings out further than he ever had and tucked his legs in, feeling the wind streams beneath every movement. Just when the wind felt right he quickly snapped his wings shut and dove head first torpedoing down into a death dive. His heart pounded against his chest ready to burst from him, he felt Bakugou regain his hold on his neck but position himself to become more aerodynamic. A menacingly loud chuckle escaping his lips.

500 ft


"Not yet, not yet."

Bakugou shouted to him, the ground becoming dangerously close. Less than 300 ft to go and they still hadn't pulled up yet. But neither were scared. The thrill and excitement of it keeping them going. Bakugou had squeezed his legs into Kiri's back around the 100 ft mark. Putting one hand on his neck and the other behind his back in preparation. Eyes focused on the ground filled with determination, it was scary at times the length this young man would go to for a good thrill. Blood rushed all over his body and he thrived on it. The rush was powerful and it became evident that he truly relished in it. Feeling the squeeze Kirishima pulled his neck up and opened his wings. The sudden change caused Bakugou to bounce a little on his back, but he was used to that- he used his back hand to steady himself as he had grown accustomed to doing over the years. They stayed level like that for a while. Regaining their breath and composure before the looked at each other. Bakugou patting the spot between Kiri's ears in reassuring manner.

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