A Beast of Steel

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"We need to tell the Elders!"

Kiri looked back at Bakugou who was loosening his shoulder and sighing. He was sighing a lot today.

"Yeah, come on we'll follow the way he went maybe he recognised us... the Bastard."

Leaving the villagers to clean the rubble and gather themselves the duo walked off towards the field and into the woods, their disappearance seemed to go unnoticed by the others.

"Tetsu should be on a the mission still right? The Elders said it would be months before he came back, why do you think he's back so early?"

"I don't know, they didn't mention this on the last council meeting."

"He came from the building we were just at, do you think he caused the fire?"

"I don't know."

"What if he saw the person who did it?"

"I've said already I don't know!"

Bakugou yelled so loudly a few of the villagers had turned their heads at the commotion. After another Tsk he pushed Kiri's head down and quickened their pace away from the prying eyes. The two continued to discuss their next plans for Tetsu for a while. The sun seeming to fade further away the more they ventured. Mountain-tall trees looming over them blocking out the light. The bare branches still recovering from the previous fire burns after the last attack from the rebels a few weeks back.
Once they had reached the clearing, leaning against the naked bark of a nearby tree stood the hooded figure with their arms crossed in front of their chest. Head down so their face remained covered.
A strong one-toned whistle pierced the air.

"Tetsu, what are you doing here?"

"Did you set the buildings on fire you piece of shit?"

Straight to the point as always. Bakugou wasted no time in getting the conversation where it needed to be. He stormed towards Tetsu, seizing the front of his cloak in his fist and shoved him hard into the tree. His head knocked the bark with such a force it caused Kiri to wince. Bakugou removed the figures hood but once he held eye contact had stepped back  uneasy. Kiri joined him to see what had caused this reaction, he too took a step back.
Looking right back at them, Tetsu's eyes were pure silver slits, they sparkled with ferocious intent.
He smirked in an unusually alarming way.
Kirishima placed a nervous hand onto Tetsu's shoulder forcing him to keep eye contact with red head instead of Bakugou whilst he then pushing his friend away. Sometimes Dragons took a while to get their transformations under control, and whilst they were unsettled like this it could be dangerous to interfere.
Tetsu emitted a growl that reached no higher than 19hz, too quiet for most humans to hear but plenty loud enough for a fellow dragon. Kirishima's brows furrowed, they continued to communicate like that for a while. A silent language that resulted in the occasional frustrated eye rolls from Bakugou.

"Look we are getting no where, why don't I just re-jog his memory into how to be human?"

Placing his open palm in front of Tetsu's face. His hand heated up and a strong light started to shine from it. His explosions were prepping themselves for a strong blast, and his grin showed he wasn't going to hold back.
As a defence mechanism that had been ingrained into the dragons, sensing immediate danger can help to initiate a transformation- be it either full dragon or full human. Knowing this, Bakugou was prepared to offer a hand in getting Tetsu to transform. To him he saw it as a way to release pent up anger and as a way to help someone, two birds one stone scenario.

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