Meeting with the Strongest

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Half an hour later and they had reached the steady incline of a grassy hill, knowing at the top would be the best view showing the whole land. All of the kingdom, from the heated Dragons land to the dark and dull land of the rebels.
This was Caspers Creek. Named after the little water stream that ran past the hill from way up the mountains where at first light, like today, there was a low mist that danced over the sparkling of the water. But why call it Casper? That's simply because this stream was the only one for miles around that had this kind of mist, some believed you could even see spirits and figures form right in front of you. Whether that was just speculation or truth had yet been scientifically discovered.

By Iida's watch the time was 8:32 am meaning that Sir Izuku was indeed 2 minutes late and that would simply not do. The King had a busy schedule with each appointment depending on the others to run on time. Iida used his tongue to tut his disapproval.
Dismounting his horse, Shoto looked around. The morning was beautiful and the view always took his breath away. He walked forward, handed over his reins to Iida and decided to casually walk around for a bit to stretch his legs. The condensation on the grass leaving a slight dampness on his boots as he stepped.

Just a few paces in front of him buried within the precocious white daisies was a small figure mumbling away to itself, looking at what appeared to be a map that was clearly upside down and singed at the corners. The crunching of a branch beneath his foot alerted the figure of his presence and rapidly it had span around, hid the map behind its back and bowed. Making the point of hiding the map to be useless as it was clearly visible when it bowed low.
Shoto gave an asymmetrical smile and nodded in response.

"Sir Izuku, I believe we are to meet, although I thought we were to meet over there at the creek?" Shoto pointed towards where Iida was now dismounting his horse and was leading the horses over.

"Todoroki it's me, you know me just call me Deku."

Deku had relaxed and smiled affirmatively back easing up now that he could see properly who had interrupted his study time. His hair has become flatter where he had leaned again the tall tree so he began to pat at it fluffing the life back into it as he spoke.
"I know we were supposed to meet there but I had to sit down somewhere and here just looked so inviting."

Deku had previously been called to fight alongside Shoto and Natsuo in the last battle four years ago. The battles were bloody, and had been the cause for many of his restless nights. Shoto was lucky in that he left with only major scaring to his ego, and a few simple wounds that took a few days to heal, as well as a disrupted alliance with a certain barbaric ruler to the North, but for Deku he had badly scarred up his legs and arms. The kingdom's healers had warned that he might not make it out alive, and if he did he may survive but never be able to use his powers again as a consequence. Shoto was prepared to make that decision even if it wasn't his to make, anything to save his friend. Many a time Deku had commented how he wouldn't manage without them- needing his super strength and speed to cope when travelling across the lands. Since then he has barely travelled, and picked up only simple jobs that didn't require too much strength- a messenger boy of sorts when it suited him.

"It doesn't matter whether you know each other or not he is your King, and you should greet him as such!"
Iida had tied up the reins to a low hanging branch and had karate chopped the air as he spoke in typical Iida fashion. The other two boys chuckled to themselves in response.

"Oh please, that's not necessary Iida, we have been friends for years. He is a hero to the kingdom. Formalities will not be needed."
Shoto sat on the grass under the tree where Deku had previously sat, taking shelter in the shade from the warmth of the sun. Holding out his hand for Deku to join him.
Eagerly Deku sat and quickly unfolded the crumpled map out onto his knees. Iida came over and leaning against the trunk of the tree watched over them.

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