An Unintitled Rider

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Bakugou sat alone in a field of brightly coloured goldenrod flowers. Their butter-yellow buds smiling towards the clouds above. The day before had been long and hard, the search wasn't going so well and lines of stress had started to burrow into his skin. Less could be found about where his dragon had gone to and the more time passed the little he knew he would find. He would never admit to feeling worried aloud, but he was. The way he would tsk at every minor inconvenience gave it away. Sitting up he crossed his arm over his bent leg, head down but neck stretched.
He had brought his phone with him, not that he had much signal out here. Stopping in the field for a quick moment to take a breather and gather his thoughts where he would be left alone was just what he needed right now. Typing onto the pads he entered Kirishima's number with his thumbs, it seemed to be the only one he had easily remembered bar his own. No one else in the village had a mobile device like his. It was a privilege only those from the Dragon kingdom could have, it was collected and researched from the Science kingdoms.
The withheld tone played through the speakers. It's dull tune caused Bakugou to roll his eyes, questioning when Kirishima would ever learn to keep his phone on, and why he even bothered to have one if he wouldn't answer it when it rang.
Taking a deep breath Bakugou tried again.
Doubt had started to trickle its way in and was proving quite the challenge to ignore. It was dangerous and tempted him to stop what he was doing and consider the horrible thoughts that it pushed into his mind. There was no rational problem solving when doubt was in charge, only over-thinking and the creation of more issues than could even be possible.

"For fuck sake Kirishima!"

Grumbling into the empty space around him-his dragon was useless. How was he supposed to be able to save him if he couldn't find where he was?
Breaking up the last of the mornings breakfast into crumbs for the birds he stood and once more set off in search of clues as to where his friend had set off to.

"Bakugou hey, wait up!"

Pivoting around Bakugou had turned to face the voice who called out to him. To his surprise it was the blonde from the night before.

"What do you want?"

"Nice to see you too, you left this in your room last night. You know you should stay over more often."

Playfully flirting Kaminari winked as he handed over a black satchel.

"What? Like I'd carry around that thing. Get that shit away from me and don't say things like that idiot, people might get the wrong idea."

"Oh really like who? There's no one else here Baku-bro. Whose going to snitch on us, the flowers? Pfft. You need to relax."

That was in fact the very opposite of what he needed to do; he needed to find his dragon and leave this village, or blow up the culprit who had been taking the dragons, either would suffice right now. So why was everyone determined on not letting him have that?

"I'm not your ... Bro so shut up already."

Snatching the bag he placed it over his head and rested the strap on his shoulder. Slightly grateful at the sweet smell that had come from it which hinted at the possibility of more food which would come in handy as he hadn't had a chance to pack any for their trip yet. Unbuttoning the front to have a gander at what was inside he found; a poster, what looked to be like a seeded bun, a flask of  liquid that he hoped was water, one green apple, one red apple, and a small folded up letter. Bakugou, with his eyes still scanning to contents of the bag raised his eyebrow. Kaminari saw this and merely shrugged in response with a coy smile, standing to be besides Bakugou as he started to walk off again.

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