Surface Breaking Contrails

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The heat from Dabi's blue flames had began to drastically lift the temperature of the room and although the scenario in front of them was frightening it also was presenting an opportunity of freedom. Both were smart enough to notice this and set to work surveying their surroundings exploring every crevice that the light touched for weaknesses to exploit.

Horizontal thin boards above hid the majority of what looked like the upper deck. On this level however, appeared to be three main support beams that supported the whole structure and the chains keeping them prisoners. The chain links themselves flickered under the fires shadows- they appeared half rusted and ready to snap with the right amount of force. This meant that they could be easily broken. One part of the puzzle had now been solved, now moving to part two. That left only the issue of how they were to get Kirishima out of the transformation-controlling sack and then to get past their guards.

Neither of their kidnappers seemed interested in what they were planning- both too preoccupied with staring eachother down in a silent battle. Daring the other to break the eye contact first so that Shinsou could use his mind control again and force the other into submission. Minutes passed.
A rapid yell and a succession of flashing lights broke out. It appeared that Shinsou had buckled under the stare first, the shifty smirk from Dabi causing him to break his focus and gulp in response. This only let Dabi smirk more as he seized this moment of weakness, he sent repeated blasts towards the purple haired boy. A couple of embers that hadnt caught their target had dropped to the floor beneath him, staying alight for a moment before giving up their last breath- their job having come to an unsuccessful end. Shinsou dodged with ease and a frustrated scrunched up face.
One ember landed near Kirishima's sack and had buried a little black hole into its fabric, using its new surface fuel to flower the burnt hole until it had become large enough for Kirishima to shimmy a hand free. This was a moment not to waste. Whilst the two continued their attacks and dodging sequence Kirishima had hardened his hand until the edge had become stiff and sharp, then using his best Iida impression had started to saw at the hole until it began to give way. It may have been dragon-transforming proof but besides that spell it was still just an ordinary sack that could burn and snap under the right amount of pressure.
Mina hadn't sat idly either, whilst the two boys were fighting and Kirishima was sawing away at his restraints she began her great escape using her condition called sialorrhea where she effortlessly began to gargle excessive pools of saliva in the back of her throat. This wasn't per say her quirk but once she had gathered enough she could then control the acidity of her saliva to become very acidic- almost to the level of the superacid, fluoroantimonic . It didnt burn through her mouth but was corrosive enough to burn through metal and wood in mere seconds. It was typical for dragons to be the only ones with quirks in the land apart from the rare few like herself.
Employing the newly created acid to the chains she had began to melt them away with ease. She did vitriolic curse to herself mentally as to why she had only just thought of the idea but pressed on regardless.

Moments later and she was free and with efforts gone unnoticed. The two guards had even gone as far as continuing their attack on the top deck leaving their captured prisoners to their own devices. A few more minutes and Kirishima was also free, shifting into his fierce from with a devilish grin. His sheer size was enough to strain the sides of the boat and put pressure on the beams. An ear piercing roar later and Kiri had finished his transformation. Boards had broken and water was gushing in sinking the boat. Shouts from the crewmates above had become almost deafening, their shouts to abandon ship were louder than ever.

Climbing onto Kiris back and taking a deep breath, both Mina and the dragon slithered out the side of the broken boat that had now become burried under the water and swam with ferocious speed up to the surface until he was high enough that he could break through and leap into the cold sky.

"Faster, before they get us!"

Mina nervously shouted to Kiri the moment air could swim in her lungs again.

"Faster Kiri, climb!"

Another shaken command from the nervous rider sat on the dragon snaking through the air, leaving sharp contrails behind them.

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