The Thief

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Shoto let out a slow controlled breath and stretched his neck trying to relax his body. He had been riding and acting like the clockwork Royal he had been trained to become, forgetting that he had practically grown up with everyone here and thus could allow himself to relax a little more than what he was currently allowing. His eyes moved with the alertness that comes from heavy stress. Like the tin man in need of oiling up, the stress took its toll on his muscles, each reflecting his anxiety that started snowballing into the others until he could feel the pull throughout all of his back and neck.
He was watching Bakugou's hands. Those lethal weapons could never be trusted, with lightning fast reflexes the boy was truly a terrifying foe.

"We've come across some information..."


"Please, this involves you too."

"I told you, I don't care, so shut it!"

That was probably the best Shoto was going to get from him for a while, he sighed defeated. They both were a little sour with each other since the battle years ago where Bakugou had left him and left the Knighthood to go frolicking with the dragons. Since then whenever Shoto had tried to talk to Bakugou and call him by his first name 'Katsuki' he had gone mental. Bakugou hated anyone other than his close friends calling him that and once upon a time Shoto may have been considered one. Possibly even as close as what him and Kirishima have now, but that was a while ago and they had both grown from boys to men since then.
Bakugou had seen it as a betrayal, how dare he have the audacity to call him that as if they were close friends again just spending another day like before.
Kirishima placed an arm on Bakugou's shoulder as a way to keep him grounded and calm. It worked as it always did.

"Bakugou. We should hear them out look whose with them."

Waving at Deku, Kirishima spoke quite coolly, leaning into Bakugou so he wouldn't have to speak loud, concentrating his voice so that Bakugou would hear and listen properly.

"Him! That idiot. Hell no am I listening to him."

"Hi Kacchan."

"Fuck off Deku."

His usual greeting left Deku sheepishly smiling. Deku used their childhood nickname that he'd bestowed on Katsuki as if they were still kids. Despite now being despised by the boy Deku always considered him still a close friend. He then continued to pull out the map out from his bag and started to say,

"We've discovered this map, and there's a message we need help deciphering."

It was Kiri this time who came forward and started reading over the map. He pointed at the mountains and the letter K and nodded when Deku suggested it was the Crimson Lands.
They started to read out the verse together until Iida joined in and started to pool ideas on what they could mean. Shoto stood besides Deku but eyes never leaving the barbarian in front of him who was mutually returning the stare in silence.

"Idiots, don't you get it or should I start calling you all dunce face too?"

Unbeknownst to them, Bakugou had actually been listening into their chatter, so it came as a surprise when he opened his mouth to speak. With his arms still crossed he raised a foot to lean in a power stance against a rock. As if imitating to a crowd of followers 'look at me I'm your leader.' Or maybe it was just to intimidate Shoto.

"Really? The warmest of all? That's obviously referring to next week. And when the leaves of red start to fall. That's referring to the seasons, use your eyes, they've already started to change."

A New Kingdom to RuleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora