Cheshire Cat Cave

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Nestled deep within the heart of an inactive volcano within the Krimson Lands, humble but majestic was the castle-like structure. Built from volcanic rock. Structures so tall you couldn't see the tops peaking out of it's entrance.
This is where the dragon's councils were held. The courts had been held bi-weekly for the passed six centuries. It was almost tradition now. The Elders consisted of one dragon, usually the eldest of each isle coming together to talk about any issues, plans, changes, anything they deemed worthy. The only change recently being that they now had their first well respected human. The meetings were held in secret. Only those who could attend knew when and where they were located. A single black crow would be sent out with a red ribbon attached to its leg. For a dragon to be sent this crow meant that a meeting was going to be held. It took Bakugou a while to learn this as he often relaxed in the fields where the crows would feed. Seeing them wasn't uncommon there.

Deep within the rocky castle crystals stalactites hung low,sharp as glass were their tips. The mineral water drops trickling to the stalagmites below. It made the entrance look like the dark grin of a wicked Cheshire Cat.
Not only would they test your agility but also your inner peace and patience. They came in the hundreds so manoeuvring through them was never just a five minute job. It made sure that an un-transformed dragon couldn't enter whilst also looking threatening enough to any curious trespasser. On the average day it worked. A single knock or loud ripple could send the death spikes racing towards the the floor. When certain daylight was above the sculpture, the gaps in the ceiling had allowed the blackened death rooms to become a still starlit night hidden in the day.

Bakugou professionally slipped through each of them until he reached the clearing and was greeted by a steep decline down to a mineral pool below. Stepping surefooted down the slippery path he grumbled to himself, stuffing his hands into his pockets. He reached the pool.
"Get on with it already!"

Head facing skyward he menacingly spat the words. The pool rippled and a loud rumble echoed around him. His eyes remained focused as he accustomed himself to the light again.
The ceiling above him had started to move almost as if sliding off completely. Revealing the brightest marble walls with golden framed photos neatly decorating them.
Using his power he blasted himself up, then as the floor slid across once more he lowered himself down until his was stood on the carpet. If it wasn't for the fact he knew about the floor being separate when the hidden passage moved, he'd have sworn he had just imagined things.

"Ah The Great Barbarian greets us with his presence once more."

"Shut up extra."

Nodding, Bakugou joined up with another hybrid who had waited at the end of the hall for him. Travelling over from the Eastern isle Ibara greeted the hot-head with a warm soft smile and a gentle wave. In her human form her hair resembled long lush green vines that smothered her feminine body. Despite her soft appearance, her temperament could change as quick as mother natures herself. She came from the isle full of greens with meadows reaching further than the eye can see. Mountains that slept with the clouds, and more wild flowers than any human record had ever logged.

Together they walked down the corridor in silence, scanning the portraits are they passed. Each of things uninteresting to Bakugou. After seeing the same ones for years they no longer peaked his interest. That was, until one. It has always been his favourite. That's because it was of his dragon. It was of Kirishima the day that he had revealed his full form to Bakugou and the day their fates intertwined.

"The Elders will be ready for you shortly. You can wait here."

"Yeah whatever."

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