The Man in LA

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Amelia was working at ocean side wellness center in Los Angeles. Her older brother Derek worked as Head of Neurosurgery at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. Derek was sending his best friend Owen down to Amelia's practice for a case. What Derek didn't know was the few times Amelia and Owen met, they were both attracted to each other. Nothing had ever happened, but the two were close to kissing a few times. The elevator doors opened and Owen Hunt stepped out. He scanned the area and found her. Amelia Shepherd. He thought she was the most beautiful person on this planet, the only thing holding him back was that she was Derek's younger sister. It felt wrong sometimes, but he was so attracted to her.

"Amelia who is Derek sending from Seattle?" Addison asked.
"No idea," Amelia shrugged, "probably someone I hate knowing my luck." They were in Charlottes office as Charlotte was looking for a few files.
"Why didn't your brother just come down here?" Charlotte said.
"Because they're fighting," Addison teased.
"We are not fighting," Amelia said, "he's just mad at me."
"Why?" Charlotte chuckled.
"He got shot and I was all considerate for him and he got mad when I showed up to help," Amelia recalled as she rolled her eyes. The three heard the elevator ding go off and their heads turned to the glass door of Charlotte's office so they could see who got out. Amelia froze as she saw her favorite red head get out. She had always found him wildly attractive, but nothing ever happened between them. Which was unfortunate because little did Amelia know, he felt the same way too.
"Looks like he sent you a nice present," Charlotte joked.
"Oh no shut up I don't think," Amelia started.
"You don't think he's attractive? Please you're literally drooling over him," Addison laughed. Amelia bit her lip in frustration and looked at them.
"Fine yeah he's attractive," Amelia admitted.

Owen walked to the front desk to see Dell.
"Can I help you?" Dell asked.
"Yeah I'm from Seattle, I'm here for a case I was wondering where Doctor Amelia Shepherd was," Owen answered.
"She's right here," Amelia beamed as she walked over to Owen. Owen almost froze in his tracks when he saw the beautiful brunette. She was really stunning.
"Hey," Owen said.
"Hey," Amelia smiled, "talk in my office?"
"Yeah sure," Owen said.
"Perfect," Amelia said and walked past him. He followed her down to her office and the two sat down.
"How are you?" Amelia asked as she sat down in her chair and grabbed a file from behind her desk.
"I'm good how are you?" Owen asked. He really couldn't take his eyes off of her. Her perfect long brown was curled and falling down her shoulders, her bright blue eyes, and her perfect lips. Owen always imagined what it would be like to kiss her. He almost did last time he saw her.
"Good," Amelia responded, noticing Owen's obvious staring but not minding it. She looked up from the file she had and looked at Owen. God did she find him attractive.
"The patient is coming to the hospital at 4:30 today in from Southern California," Amelia said, "the surgery shouldn't take more than 4 hours."
"Sounds good," Owen said. Owen couldn't stop staring and admiring her beauty.
"Staring much?" Amelia joked.
"No," Owen chuckled.
"I didn't forget what almost happened last time you know," Amelia laughed as Owen suddenly got embarrassed.

Last time they were together....
It was Christmas Eve. Amelia had come to visit her family for the holidays. She adored her nieces and nephew, and Meredith and Derek. Derek had a lot of his coworkers over for a Christmas Eve party. Amelia particularly liked Owen. Maybe it was a silly crush and maybe it wasn't, but she was definitely attracted to him, and he felt the same way about her.
"Want something to drink?" Owen offered her as they were both standing in the kitchen.
"Oh no uh I don't drink," Amelia said.
"You don't drink water?" Owen made a joke and Amelia chuckled.
"Waters fine," Amelia said as he handed her a glass.
"Thanks," Amelia said.
"No problem," Owen said. The two stared at each other, both wanting more than just a glass of water. There was practically nobody in the kitchen, Owen figured he could make his move.
"You're really pretty," Owen said softly enough for her to hear. He couldn't stop admiring her perfect lips, and how much he wanted to kiss them. He pushed a piece of hair behind her ear and Amelia smiled.
"You're very handsome," Amelia said softly. Owen almost leaned in until people started coming in the kitchen. The two stepped away from each other and it was awkward the rest of the night.

"I didn't either," Owen said as he looked at Amelia. The two both felt extremely awkward.
"What are you doing after surgery? Are you flying home right away?" Amelia asked.
"Flying out tomorrow morning," Owen said.
"Why don't you stay with me, I mean we're friends right? There's no use in making you pay for a hotel room," Amelia said.
"It's okay," Owen said.
"Owen I'm offering you a free stay," Amelia laughed.
"Well then I'll just be thinking about how much I want you," Owen said. This took Amelia by surprise. She looked up at him and saw how serious he was.
"I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about how much I want to kiss you," he said softly, and Amelia needed him so badly.
"Or how badly I want to kiss down your neck and push you onto your bed," Owen said.
"Owen," Amelia blushed.
"I'll stay at a hotel," Owen said.
"No don't," Amelia said and got up and closed the blinds to her office. She turned around and looked at Owen.
"Because I want you just as bad," she said. Owen got up and wrapped his arms around her as he kissed her passionately.
"Stay with me tonight," she whispered as they started making out.
"I will," Owen whispered in her ear, "it'll be a night to remember."

similar idea request: ameliasowen

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