Hanging On

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Prompt: Amelia starts missing days of work and Arizona (only a friend in this) suspects she's using again.
TW: drugs and addiction

Amelia had missed 5 days of work in a row. She never missed work. Nobody really seemed to notice, maybe she just took a leave? I mean her brother Derek died about 6 months ago and it's been hard, maybe she just needed a break. I had such a crush on her, which isn't even important in this context, but I'm worried about her. We were good friends, and she had told me about her addiction problems. I don't want to jump to conclusions but 5 days is a lot for her to be at home. She recently broke up with Owen. Was that a sign she could be using? I mean everyone thought they would get married and have a family. I decided I'm going over to her house to go check on her. I grabbed my coat and keys and drove over to her house. I parked on the street and got out and rang her doorbell.
"Coming!" I heard from inside. She opened the door and she looked awful.
"Oh," she said, "you're not the takeout." She looked unbelievably skinny besides the fact that she was eating. She had a cigarette between her fingers and there were a few empty bottles of vodka on the table in the living room.
"Can I come in?" I asked.
"Uh, um, yeah sure," she said nervously.
"You're smoking inside?" I asked.
"Don't be ridiculous I was on the deck," she said as she opened the back door and there were even more bottles of alcohol. I couldn't tell if she was drunk right now. Or high. Or both. She seemed alright but maybe she was good at hiding it.
"Amelia are you okay?" I asked.
"What are you talking about?" She said, "I'm fine."
"Your house is fully of empty bottles and you've missed 5 days of work," I said.
"Did Owen send you or something," she chuckled.
"No," I said.
"Then what are you doing here blondie?" She said as she put the cigarette back in her mouth. I got up and took the cigarette from her and she frowned.
"Hey!" She said.
"Amelia seriously what are you doing here?" I said.
"I'm not doing anything illegal," she said.
"Are the drugs you're doing legal?" I said.
"Nobody said I was doing drugs," she said.
"Your dilated pupils say otherwise," I noticed.
"Arizona why are you doing here?" She asked as she grabbed a full bottle of vodka. I got up again and took the bottle from her.
"Arizona!" She yelled at me.
"Amelia you need help!" I said.
"No I don't I'm managing it!" She yelled at me.
"You obviously don't! We're all worried about you! Nobody has seen or talked to you in 5 days!" I said.
"Yeah okay," she said.
"People care about you," I said.
"Blondie I don't knew your sobriety speech," she said.
"Let me help you get sober," I said, "please?"
"Why do you care so much?" She chuckled. Because I'm in love with you. I always have been and I always will. I can't stand by and let the person I love throw away her life like this.
"Because I'm your friend and friends help each other out," I said.
"I don't need your help," she said.
"Amelia," I said, "you don't want to do this to yourself."
"Arizona I don't want to but I have to! I have no other escape! I broke up with my boyfriend for what? Drugs? I'm a fucking idiot. My brother died six months ago and I can't pick up the phone to call my mother. Meredith left with my niece and nephew and I've barely seen Maggie. I'm alone. This is the only answer and I get that you and your rainbow unicorn life doesn't get that but this is all I have left so just let me be!" She said as she was crying.
"Amelia," I frowned and got up and hugged her.
"I'm barely hanging on Arizona," she cried as she hugged me tightly.
"Let me help you," I said.
"Not a word about this to anyone else," She said.
"Lips locked I promise," I said. I looked at her and it seemed like her high was wearing off a little bit.
"Why don't you go take a shower and I'll clean up," I suggested.
"I'm not going to make you clean up my mess," she said.
"Go take a shower it's fine," I said. After a while she reluctantly went upstairs and I threw out all the empty bottles, cans, pill canisters, and cigarette boxes. There was a lot. I knew she would be having a lot of withdrawals if she didn't take something soon. After a while she came downstairs in pajamas and she was showered.
"Thought you should throw this out," she said and put a bag of oxy down on the counter.
"Okay," I said. She walked over and sat on the couch. I threw the oxy out outside and sat down next to her on the couch.
"Are you hungry?" I asked.
"Funny thing about addiction you really only have enough of an appetite for one meal," she sighed.
"It's nothing to be embarrassed about it's okay, I'll help you," I reassured.
"I'm really mean on my withdrawals," she said, "I get it if you just want to check me into rehab and leave."
"Amelia I'm not going to do that," I said.
Amelia was starting her withdrawals, and she was right, it was bad. She hasn't stopped throwing up or crying. She was also starting to hallucinate and I felt bad.
"Arizona," she said as she started scratching her arm.
"Amelia what's wrong?" I said.
"D-Don't you see it?" She said and scratched her arm.
"Amelia nothing's there," I said.
"The bugs," she said before throwing up again. I rubbed her back as I held her hair back.
"The bugs Arizona please," she cried.
"Amelia look at me it's just hallucinations okay?" I said.
"Arizona," she said crying, "please hold me." I wrapped my arms around her shaking body and kissed her head.
"Okay I've got you," I said, "you'll get through this."
"Please don't let go," she cried.
"I'm never letting go," I said softly.

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