But You're Perfect Pt2

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Continuation of last one shot

I was staying at Link's place for now so he could help me. I felt really nervous about the whole thing. I felt like I was finally skinny, and now I had to start eating again. It was dinner time. I nervously walked down the stairs after taking a shower and into the kitchen where Link was cooking.
"Hey," Link said.
"Hey," I said, "what's for dinner?"
"Tacos," he said.
"Okay," I said and sat down at the table.
"Is that okay?" He asked.
"Yeah that's fine," I said. He finished making dinner and he made two plates and he sat down next to me.
"I'm not hungry," I said looking at all the food.
"Amelia," Link frowned.
"Link I already had a big lunch please," I said and I could feel myself crying.
"Okay, okay, calm down it's alright," Link said.
"It's too much food," I cried.
"Okay," Link said softly and got up and wrapped me in a hug.
"I can't gain any more weight," I sniffled, "please."
"Amelia you need to eat," Link said, "even if it's just a bite or two you need to eat some dinner. You're probably not hungry because you're either lying or you've trained yourself to think you aren't, but I know you're hungry Amelia. I know you want to eat dinner. Please just eat some of it."
"I can't," I cried.
"I know it's hard, just try a little bit," Link said. He rubbed my back as I looked at the plate of food.
"I really am hungry," I said in a small voice.
"We'll eat together I promise. I'll take the first bite," Link said.
"O-Okay," I said.
"Okay?" Link said. We sat down and I watched him bite into the taco. It was probably so many calories. I'm sure it tasted good though. Link was a good cook. I looked at the food and then back at Link.
"Doesn't have to be a huge bite," Link said. I nodded and took a small bite. I chewed and swallowed the food and Link smiled at me.
"I'm proud of you Amelia," He said. I smiled. That made me feel better.
"I love you," I said.
"I love you too," Link said softly, "that was a good first bite, is it good?"
"It's good yeah," I smiled.
"Wanna eat more?" Link asked, "we can take a bite together."
"Okay," I nodded. We both took a bite out of the taco and I smiled. It did feel really good to eat a real meal again.
"You're doing so good," Link said.
Amelia ate a whole taco at dinner. It doesn't sound like much, but it's a big step for her. I'm proud of her. I know how hard it is for her to eat, and she's so hard on herself. I walked into the bathroom and she was looking at herself in the mirror.
"Sorry, I thought you were brushing your teeth," I said.
"It's fine," Amelia said as she clutched her shirt to her chest.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Nothing," she said.
"Looks like you're judging yourself in the mirror when you are perfect the way you are," I said. She sighed as she looked over at the mirror. I took my shirt off and looked at her.
"What are you doing?" She chuckled.
"Am I as thin as a stick?" I asked her.
"I don't know how I'm supposed to answer that," she said.
"The answer is no," I said.
"Okay," she said.
"Because people aren't twigs Amelia. I'm not as thin as a twig, but I'm healthy. I know you compare yourself to the number on the scale but you're more than that. You're so much more than whatever number comes up on the scale. I know that and I want you to see that. You ate two meals today. I know that's more than you have been, but that's healthy. You're becoming healthy again. I know you probably look different than you did last week, but that's because you're nourishing your body with nutrients and food. It's healthy and normal. I just sat down and ate 3 tacos downstairs and I have a stomach. It's normal," I said. A small smile appeared on her face.
"Thank you," she said softly.
"You're welcome," I said, "I love you."
"I love you too," she said.
"You're more than the number okay?" I said as I cupped her face.
"I know," she said. We changed into pajamas and laid down in bed. Amelia snuggled into me and I kissed her head.
"I love you," I said.
"I love you too," she said, "thank you for helping me I need it."
"I'd do anything for you Amelia," I said.

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