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Prompt: Amelia realizes she's pregnant because of food cravings and symptoms

Someone requested this but I don't remember who so I'm sorry :(

I opened my eyes and got out of bed. Owen was working the night shift so it was just me this morning. I felt a little nauseous but I'm sure it was nothing. I've been feeling like that lately in the mornings but I figured it was probably just anxiety or something. I didn't think anything much of it. I walked downstairs and opened the fridge. I really wanted tomatoes. For breakfast? Am I sick? Whatever. The body wants what the body wants I guess. I cut up the tomato and made a cup of coffee. This is kinda gross but it tasted good. I shrugged it off went to shower and get dressed. I got out of the shower and felt so dizzy and sick. Do I just call out sick? Ugh I hate feeling like this. Maybe I'm getting my period I don't know. I got in my car and drove to work. I saw Owen in the ER and I smiled.
"Hey," Owen smiled.
"Hey," I said, "how's the ER?"
"A little slow," he said, "which means I can spend time with you."
"My favorite," I smiled and kissed Owen. I got to my office and took my coat off and I felt sick again. Owen got paged so he left and I sat down. Was I getting my period? When was the last time I had my period? I grabbed my phone and got out my tracker app and it hit me. I wasn't waiting for my next period, I was pregnant. The sickness, the dizziness, the weird food cravings oh my god I was pregnant. Oh my god. How did I not realize this sooner? I got up and ran down the hall as I knew I needed a test. I was scared to tell Owen. This wasn't planned. We weren't married. I'm scared to have another kid after Christopher, but Owen has wanted a family forever. I closed the bathroom door behind me and peed on the stick. How did I not notice sooner? The tomatoes and coffee didn't ring a bell? Oh my gosh. I looked down at the stick and I was pregnant. Oh my gosh okay. I was having a baby. I didn't know how to feel about this. I needed Owen. I walked downstairs to the ER and saw him talking to a patient. I filled out a few charts in the meantime.
"Hey," Owen said as I felt him put his hand on my back.
"Hey," I smiled nervously.
"Any cases down here for you?" He asked.
"Actually can we talk?" I asked.
"Sure," he said. We walked down to an empty on call room and I felt myself get nervous. I didn't know what to say.
"I know I'm going to sound so stupid that I didn't notice this but I've felt kinda off lately and a little sick but I thought it was just a fever or a cold. Then this morning I wanted tomatoes for breakfast which is absolutely gross and I'm pregnant," I blurted out.
"You're pregnant?" Owen asked me.
"Yeah," I nodded as my voice was shaking.
"Are you keeping it?" Owen asked me. I nodded and a huge smile appeared on his face as he hugged me and lifted me up.
"Oh my gosh I'm going to be a dad!" He smiled.
"I'm so glad you're happy," I smiled.
"Of course I'm happy. How are you feeling?" He asked me. He knew about my past with Christopher and Ryan.
"A little scared if I'm being honest," I admitted.
"It's okay," Owen said softly, "I'm here the whole time and we can get as many ultrasounds as we want to make sure everything is okay."
"Okay," I smiled big, "that sounds good."
"And we can decorate a nursery," he said.
"You're too cute," I smiled.
"Can I?" Owen asked as he looked at my stomach, which was still pretty flat.
"Sure," I smiled as I grabbed his hand and put it on my stomach.
"We're going to be a family," Owen smiled as he leaned in and kissed me.
"I'm so excited," I giggled.
"I'll be here for you the whole way, it's you and me against the world alright?" He said.
"Alright," I smiled, "I love you Owen."
"I love you too Amelia," he said.

Amelia One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now