New York

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Prompt: Amelia and Link fly to do a special surgery in New York like in season 15, but they are already together and have Scout.

Request: amelinkforever

"Link!" I yelled as I picked up Scout out of his crib and grabbed his overnight back for Meredith's house. Link and I were flying to New York to do an important surgery, and we were leaving Scout at Meredith's for the weekend because he was too young to go on a plane yet. I didn't want to expose him to all those germs, and we had nobody to watch him while we were in New York.
"Amelia everything is in the car we're all good," Link said as he walked into the room, "hi little one." I smiled as Link came over and held Scout. I loved the way they interacted with one another. It was so cute.
"Scout are you gonna have a good time with your cousins this weekend?" Link asked. I smiled as I kissed Link's cheek and brought Scouts bag downstairs. We drove over to Meredith's and she opened the door for us.
"Hi," she smiled as she held Scout, "Aw he's adorable."
"Thank you so much for watching him," I said, "all of his stuff is in his bag along with everything you need to know and-"
"Amelia, I know this is new to you but I have three kids Scout is in perfectly good hands I promise," Meredith said, "no need to stress."
"Okay," I said, "thank you I love you."
"I love you too," she said.
"Thanks Mer," Link said.
"No problem," she said. Link and I walked back to the car and we drove to the airport. We checked our luggage and eventually got on the plane. I sat down next to him and put my head on his shoulder. He kissed my head and I smiled.
"I'm glad we finally got a little getaway, even if it's just for surgery," he said.
"It'll be fun," I said, "but I hope Scout is doing okay."
"Amelia he's going to be fine, he's with Maggie and Meredith," he said, "we'll call them tonight okay?"
"Okay," I said and kissed him, "I love you."
"I love you too," he said and kissed my forehead.
We were in New York and we were making our way to the hospital after we had just put all our luggage in the hotel and changed.
"You look cute," Link smiled as he took my hand in his.
"So do you," I smiled. We walked through the front doors and I saw my sister get out of the elevator. Shit. I grabbed Link's arm and pulled him in the opposite direction.
"Amelia aren't the elevators over there?" Link said.
"That's my sister," I said once we were out of view.
"Which one?" He said.
"The one over there," I said panicked.
"No which sister," he said.
"Nancy," I said, "she cannot see us here."
"Okay, we'll just take the stairs or find another elevator," Link said.
"The stairs. Good idea," I said.
"Amelia? Is that you?" Nancy said.
"Shit," I said and looked at Link.
"Hi," I faked a smile and grabbed Link's arm.
"Oh my gosh is this Owen? You're still married?" Nancy smiled. I looked at Link.
"Uh," I started.
"Yeah I'm Owen nice to meet you," Link said and shook her hand.
"My husband," I faked a smile.
"You two should come for dinner," Nancy said.
"Oh uh no Owen and I have a lot of work to do," I said, "but it was nice seeing you again."
"Mom would want to see you," Nancy said.
"I think we have to get going," I said and pulled Link into the elevator. The doors closed and I looked at him.
"You're not Owen!" I laughed and hit his chest.
"She seemed condescending I didn't want her to make fun of you for the divorce," Link shrugged.
"My mother knows who Owen is!" I laughed, "she'll see you and know."
"Okay well I didn't know that," Link chuckled.
"We're not going to dinner anyway," I said.
"Sounds good to me," Link said.
Link and I were in the middle of surgery. I smiled at my handsome boyfriend. He was so smart and focused. It was cute. We finished the surgery and closed up and brought the patient to recovery. It all went well. Link and I changed out of scrubs and got back into the elevator.
"You know your sister isn't letting you leave her without a fight for dinner," Link laughed.
"Okay Owen," I joked and he nudged me. The doors opened and my sister was sitting in the lobby.
"We aren't getting out of this are we?" Link said.
"Well we have to you're not Owen," I said quietly.
"Are you coming for dinner?" Nancy asked.
"We can't I'm sorry," I said.
"Amelia," Nancy said, "I already told mom you and Owen are coming." I looked at Link and I didn't know what to do.
"Here's the address," Nancy said and put a piece of paper in my hand and walked off.
"Link what are we going to do?" I asked.
"Come clean about me not being Owen?" He chuckled, "I'm sorry I said I was."
"I'm not mad at you," I chuckled, "I guess we have to go, but my sisters and mother are awful Link you'll hate it."
"I love you, and we can get through one dinner," Link said.
"But you're not Owen," I laughed as we walked to the car, "Link how are we gonna get out of this one!"
"Maybe your mom forgot what Owen looked like," Link laughed.
"Oh my god shut up," I laughed, "we're so screwed!"

Part 2...

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