Not As I planned....

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Prompt: Link tries to propose but doesn't go as planned so goes out of his way to plan something special.

Request lavender_lair

I was going to propose today. I was excited, but I was also nervous. I looked to my left and Amelia was still asleep, and I saw Scout asleep in his crib. I kissed Amelia's head and got up and walked downstairs to make some coffee. I was hoping to go downtown to dinner tonight to propose. I'm hoping everything goes as planned. I know Amelia is so worried about Covid, but Seattle is allowing outdoor dining, so I hope she goes for it. If she doesn't, I'll have to think of something else to do. I heard Amelia's voice and I turned around to see her in the kitchen holding Scout.
"Somebody wanted to say good morning to daddy," she smiled as she kissed Scouts head. I opened my arms for him and smiled.
"Hey buddy," I said.
"What are you up to so early in here?" She said.
"Making you coffee," I smiled.
"You're the sweetest Link," she said and grabbed the cup.
"So what did you wanna do today?" I said.
"I don't know," she sighed, "what can we really do?"
"Well we could go out to dinner," I said, hoping she would say yes.
"Link were in the middle of a pandemic," Amelia frowned, "I'm not going to bring Scout to an outdoor restaurant with all those people. He hasn't even been in a grocery store."
"You're right," I said. Shit. I needed another plan.
"Why don't I cook dinner? I'll go to the grocery store and pick up a few things," I said.
"That's sounds good," Amelia said, "what should we make?"
"We? Amelia you don't cook," I laughed.
"Hey," she pouted.
"I can grill steak," I said.
"Sounds delicious," she smiled and kissed my cheek as she went into the other room to feed Scout for the morning. I needed a Plan B. I should have known she didn't want to go to dinner. I grabbed my keys and walked out to my car. I drove to the grocery store and put my mask on and walked inside. I figured I would grab all the ingredients for stake and potatoes. After that I went to the flower isle. I got a few assortment of roses. How I was going to get this into the house without her seeing? Good question. I got a bunch of flowers and flower petals. I figured I'd propose this afternoon because waiting until dinner was so much time to spoil the surprise. I bought everything and drive home. I tried concealing everything in the bags and I walked back into the back deck. I spread the bouquets of flowers and flower petals around and lit a few candles. I walked inside and Amelia was on the couch watching TV with Scout.
"Amelia honey?" I asked.
"Yeah?" She said as she looked over at me.
"Can you come outside for a second I wanna show you something," I said.
"Sure," she said and put Scout in his play pen. I grabbed her hand as we walked outside. Her mouth dropped as she looked at me.
"Link," she started as I got down on one knee.
"Amelia Shepherd, you make me the happiest man in the entire world. You are the best girlfriend, and the best mother to Scout. I wouldn't want our life any other way, and I know I love you more than anything in this world. Amelia, will you marry me?" I asked nervously.
"Yes Link I'll marry you!" She giggled as I slid the ring on her finger and kissed her passionately.
"The ring is beautiful Link, I love you," She said.
"I love you too," I said and kissed her again. Well it didn't go exactly how I planned, but I still get to marry the love of my life.

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