What Do We Do?

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Prompt: Amelia and Link (based off season 17) where Amelia wants to go get Maggie to talk to Zola, but Link stops her from driving.

Request: Sd026602

Everything had been crazy with covid. Amelia and Link were trying so hard not to slip up and say anything about Meredith, but today Amelia did. She accidentally said something and Zola heard. Zola was now scared about Meredith dying, just as everyone else was. The kids weren't supposed to know how bad it was.
"I need to go get Maggie before I talk to her," Amelia frowned.
"You can't go get her," Link said as he was holding a sleeping Scout.
"Link she isn't that far I'll wear my mask in the car," Amelia said as she started grabbing her things.
"Amelia you can't drive you haven't slept in days," Link reasoned.
"Who has?" She said.
"I'll call someone to get her," Link said.
"Like who?" Amelia said, "we can't even get her an Uber because who knows where the driver had been! Or who was in the car before her! Ugh I hate this I'm going."
"No you're not," Link said.
"Well you're not driving," Amelia said, "you sleep just as little as I do." Amelia took Scout out of Link's arms as Link called Jackson to go get Maggie.
"Hey buddy," Amelia said softly as she kissed his head, but all she wanted to do was cry. She hated this pandemic. She hated that she couldn't go get her sister without worrying about getting a disease. She hated that she couldn't tell her nieces and nephew where their mother was. She hated that she couldn't bring Scout anywhere because he had a new, infant, immune system. She hated that her and Link barely slept because they were worried about every single thing.
"Hey," Link said softly, seeing his girlfriend's worrying.
"I just hate this," Amelia frowned.
"I know," Link said, "why don't we go inside okay? Jackson said he will go get Maggie."
"Okay," Amelia said, feeling relieved. Maybe everything would be okay. They walked inside and Amelia put Scout down for his nap. She walked back downstairs and Bailey and Ellis were coloring and Zola was in her room doing homework, and probably hiding from the fact that Amelia let out the word that Meredith wasn't doing well. Link saw Amelia starting to spiral and he wrapped her in a hug.
"Thank you for not letting me drive," she said softly.
"You're welcome," Link comforted, "it's all going to be okay Amelia. We trust jackson. He's wearing a mask and so is Maggie. They'll both get here safely and then we can talk to Zola."
"What do I even say to her," Amelia cried, "nobody said anything to me when my dad died. I mean if I wasn't sitting on that wooden floor seeing him bleed out who knows how long they would have waited to tell me. What are we supposed to tell her?" Link felt so bad as he wrapped her in a tighter hug.
"We'll just explain it to her. She's smart. We can't lie to her, but we can sugarcoat it a little. She'll understand, and we'll emphasize how good the doctors are going and how much we hope she'll wake up," Link reasoned.
"Okay," Amelia said quietly.
"I love you," Link said.
"I love you too," Amelia said.

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