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Prompt: Amelia and Arizona are going to the charity event for the hospital but Amelia feels really insecure about her dress.

"Arizona why are we even going to this stupid thing!" Amelia yelled from the bathroom.
"Because all of our friends will be there, and the hospital needs funds," Arizona explained.
"Ugh," Amelia complained as she came out of the bathroom in pajamas and a face of makeup.
"Does this look okay?" Amelia asked.
"I think the pajamas are really appropriate for the event," Arizona joked.
"Shut up," Amelia chuckled, "I meant the makeup."
"Yes it looks good," Arizona said.
"Okay," Amelia said shyly as she walked to the closet. Amelia always got insecure about events like this. She hated wearing dresses because she felt like she didn't look great in them.
"What dress are you wearing babe?" Arizona asked as she came in and took her dress off of the hanger.
"I don't know," Amelia shrugged.
"Do you want me to pick one for you?" Arizona offered.
"Sure," Amelia said. Arizona could tell something was up with Amelia but didn't really want to pry. She knew if Amelia wanted to talk she would, and she couldn't force everything out of her. She was gentle about her emotions because she knew how fragile Amelia could be, no matter how many walls she put up, some things destroyed them all in an instant. Arizona looked around and grabbed a navy dress that she knew went well with Amelia's dark hair and her blue eyes.
"Amelia honey what about this one?" Arizona asked.
"Sure," Amelia said and grabbed the dress from her. Amelia closed the door as she got dressed and Arizona got dressed in the room. Arizona heard the door open and she turned to see Amelia in the dress. Wow she was stunning. Amelia immediately felt Arizona's eyes on her and instantly felt nervous and insecure. She felt Arizona was staring at her because the dress looked bad rather than Arizona was admiring her beauty.
"Can you zip the dress for me?" Arizona asked.
"Yeah can you do mine?" Amelia asked softly as she zipped up Arizona dress. Amelia turned around and Arizona zipped hers. Arizona noticed Amelia's uncomfortableness immediately.
"Amelia are you okay what's wrong?" She asked her.
"Nothing," Amelia said and walked into the bathroom. Arizona noticed Amelia biting her lip in frustration and looking at herself sideways in the mirror.
"Honey talk to me," Arizona started to pry.
"Do I look fat in this?" Amelia said.
"No why would you say that?" Arizona asked.
"It was a stupid question," Amelia said.
"No it wasn't," Arizona said gently, "do you not like the dress there's plenty of others in the closet."
"No, no it's okay," Amelia nodded.
"Amelia," Arizona said.
"I just feel really insecure," Amelia confessed, "I don't particularly like wearing dresses because I feel like they make me look bad."
"Amelia you don't look bad at all," Arizona said and wrapped her arms around the brunettes waist.
"You promise?" Amelia asked.
"Yeah you're hot," Arizona said, "you're super hot and you're totally mine."
"Stop it," Amelia blushed.
"Amelia I promise you you're absolutely beautiful, and you look stunning in the dress," Arizona reassured her girlfriend and kissed her, "why don't you feel pretty?"
"I don't know," Amelia shrugged, "I just get really insecure sometimes I'm sorry it's embarrassing."
"It's not," Arizona said, "I will reassure you that you're absolutely stunning every second of the night if I have to."
"You don't have to do that," Amelia chuckled.
"Well I want to because wow do you look amazing," Arizona admired.
"Okay enough," Amelia chuckled getting embarrassed.
"You're beautiful honey," Arizona and kissed Amelia again.
"Thanks," Amelia blushed, "you don't look too bad yourself." Arizona chuckled as she took both her girlfriends hands and pulled her towards herself.
"What are you doing?" Amelia chuckled.
"Dancing with you," Arizona smiled and Amelia giggled.
"I love you more than anything in the world," Amelia smiled, "thank you for being you."
"And thank you for being you, I love you," Arizona smiled.

Amelia One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now