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Prompt: Amelia starts using again and realizes she needs help. She goes to the hospital and the first person she sees is her boyfriend Owen.

TW: drug abuse

I woke up freezing. I opened my eyes and looked at my nightstand and grabbed the bottle of oxy I've been taking for the past few days. I just took a week of absence after I relapsed, and told Owen I needed a few days. I was really just getting high. Nobody knew. I shook the bottle and it was almost empty. Crap. I got up and took an oxy and drank some vodka. I showered and I kinda felt nauseous. I decided to just take the rest of the pills. I'll probably regret that later but whatever. I walked downstairs and realized I had no food. Crap. I can't keep living like this. My high started to kick in so that was good. I made a cup of coffee and grabbed a cigarette and sat down on the couch. I looked at my phone and Owen texted me.
"Hey just checking in, are you doing okay?" He sent.
"I'm good," I sent. It was a lie. I wasn't doing well. I was out of drugs and I would feel it later. I missed Owen. I was ruining myself. I needed to stop but I couldn't, and I didn't want to reach out. I needed to.

The ER doors open and I turned to see Amelia. She looked horrible. She looked sick.
"Amelia?" I said as I walked over to her and she basically collapsed in my arms.
"What happened?" I asked her.
"Help me," she said. I picked her up and she was shaking so much. I walked into a patient room and closed the door. I put her down and she threw up in the trash can.
"Amelia what's going on?" I asked and held her hair back.
"Drugs," She said, "I'm on drugs and I ran out I need help."
"What did you take?" I asked. My heart broke. She relapsed and I didn't notice. She started crying and I held her.
"Talk to me please," I said, "I need to know to help you."
"Beer, wine, vodka, cigarettes, oxy," she said, "everything I'm so sick."
"I'm gonna get you a room," I said.
"Nobody can know," she cried.
"Did you drive here?" I asked. She nodded.
"Amelia you should have called me," I said.
"I couldn't," she cried, "it's so bad. I ran out of oxy."
"Come on I'm getting you a room," I said and helped her up.
"I need something," she said and looked at me.
"You're not getting any more drugs," I told her.
"Owen," she complained, "I need help I know but please."
"I'm not helping you get high," I said and picked her up. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I got in the elevator.
"Does anyone know?" She asked me softly.
"I don't know," I said and put her down.
"I'm sorry I did this," she said softly, "I didn't want to."
"What happened?" I asked her.
"I just needed something to take the edge off so I drank," she sighed, "I didn't mean for it to get this bad."
"Is that why you left work?" I asked as I helped her down the hall.
"Yeah," she said.
"Why didn't you call me?" I asked as I helped her get in the bed. I grabbed the stuff for an IV and she sighed.
"You'd be disappointed in me like you are now," she said.
"I'm glad you knew when to ask for help," I said, "just wish it was a little sooner." She didn't say anything.
"Give me your arm," I said. I lifted her sleeve and saw a few places where she probably shot oxy. I didn't say anything and stuck the IV in her arm.
"I'm gonna throw up," she said and leaned over the garbage can. I grabbed a hair tye and pulled her hair back. She finished throwing up and I changed the bag in the garbage can. I came back and she looked really upset.
"Hey, it's okay," I said softly.
"No it's not Owen!" She yelled at me, "I want drugs so badly that I'm physically shaking! I've missed an entire week of work and I've distanced myself from you! I'm smoking and I'm drinking and I've punctured every vein in my arm!" She started sobbing as I wrapped her in a hug.
"I get it if you don't want to be here," she sniffled.
"Amelia I'm here for you, I'm still your boyfriend and I love and care about you," I said as I rubbed her back as she cried.
"I need to get sober," she cried, "please help me."
"I will I promise," I said. I moved over and laid down next to her. She snuggled into me as I rubbed her back and kissed her forehead.
"You'll be okay," I said softly.
"I want drugs," she cried.
"I know you do," I said.
"I'm so scared," she said softly.
"Sh it's okay I've got you," I said and pulled her close to me, "it's okay."
"Thank you," she whispered, "thank you for helping me."
"Always here for you," I said and kissed her head.

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