Shepherd Siblings

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Prompt: Amelia and Derek go to high school together and Derek is the only one that knows Amelia is bi. He pushes her to tell the girl she likes how she feels.

Okay so Ajh_503 requested a high school kinda of one shot so I hope this is alright lol

"Amelia let's go before we're late!" Derek yelled as he ran down the stairs and grabbed his car keys.
"Okay okay," I said. I grabbed my bag and saw my mom in the kitchen.
"Amelia honey don't make your brother late again," my mom mumbled.
"Okay," I said. My mom and I had a horrible relationship. We didn't tell each other anything. Which results in the fact that I haven't told her I'm bi. I grabbed my bag and walked out the door and got in Derek's car.
"Dude you up late texting that girlfriend of yours that you can't leave the house on time?" Derek said.
"For the last time I don't have a girlfriend," I said.
"Sure," Derek said, "what's her name?"
"Who's name?" I said.
"Whoever you like," Derek said.
"Who said I liked a girl?" I chuckled.
"Amelia come on we both know you like that blonde girl in your bio class," Derek said and looked at me.
"Arizona," I said.
"Do you guys ever talk?" Derek asked.
"I asked her for homework answers the other day," I chuckled, "for an assignment I already did but I just wanted to talk to her."
"Just talk to her in person. Say hi. Wave. Who cares," Derek said, "just make a move."
"Just because she's a lesbian doesn't mean she'd like me by default," I complained.
"Don't know unless you try," Derek said. We got out and each went to our lockers. I saw Arizona at hers and I couldn't stop thinking about her. She was perfect. Her gorgeous blue eyes and her wavy blonde hair. Perfect.
"Staring much?" Arizona asked as she walked over to me.
"No," I chuckled.
"You were," she said, "I'd only know because I was staring at you."
"At me?" I said.
"Yeah, you're pretty," she said. The bell rang and she smiled at me.
"Won't want to be late to class would we?" She said softly as she pushed a piece of hair behind my ear and walked away from me. Wow. Sparks went through my body.
"Looks like you have a girlfriend," Derek said and nudged me.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" I laughed.
"The way she played with your hair and smiled at you?" Derek said, "Amelia stop being stupid and see what's right in front of you."
Biology class. Boring. But essential for a medical major. So boring though. We had to get a lab partner. Ugh I hated partner work.
"Hey do you have a partner?" Arizona asked me.
"Uh no," I said.
"You do now," she smiled. I smiled as we started working on the lab. It was kinda gross if I'm being honest but water. Her hand ran over mine and I felt it. Those sparks again. I loved her touch.
"Sorry," she chuckled.
"No need to apologize," I said.
"Okay," she giggled. We finished the lab and started working on the questions. She pulled her desk next to mine and sat down.
"You know this is kinda boring we could just finish it at my house later," Arizona said and locked eyes with me.
"Yeah?" I said.
"And there could be a fair amount of kissing too," she whispered only for me to hear.
"Y-yeah?" I said.
"Unless I make you too nervous?" She questioned.
"What time can I come over?" I asked.
"Right after school, I'll drive," she smiled.
"You coming home or what?" Derek asked as he walked up to my locker.
"Uh I have to do a bio project with Arizona she offered to drive me to her house," I said.
"So what do I tell mom," he chuckled.
"Just say I'm going to a friends for a school project," I said, "it's what I'm doing anyway."
"Sure Amy," Derek said, "I'm sure that's what you won't be doing but okay."
"Derek shut up," I said. I grabbed my books and he grabbed his pack back. I closed my locker and I felt someone touch my waist.
"Hey pretty," Arizona smiled softly.
"Hey," I smiled.
"You ready?" She asked.
"Yeah," I smiled. We walked to get car and she drove us home. No cars were in the driveway so I figured her parents weren't home. We walked inside and she locked the door.
"You hungry?" She asked as she took her shoes off and walked into her big kitchen.
"Sure," I said. I followed her into the kitchen and she looked in the pantry.
"Wanna make cookies?" She asked.
"Sure," I said.
"My parents won't be home for a while," she shrugged, "we can do whatever we want."
"Cool," I said. She came back over to the counter and turned around and faced me.
"I make you nervous don't I? I see how nervous you were in biology doing the lab. Or at your locker," she giggled.
"Maybe a little," I said.
"Didn't think you'd be into girls though," she smiled as she got close to me and played with my hair.
"Lucky for you I am," I smiled. And with that she leaned in and kissed me. She lifted me up and sat me on the counter as we started making out.
"You're so pretty," she said as she kissed me more.
"So are you," I smiled and pulled her closer to me. She picked me up and walked to the couch and pushed me down. I wrapped my legs around her waist and pulled at her shirt.
"You wanna?" She asked.
"Yeah," I smiled.
"Okay," she giggled and unbuttoned my pants.
"So how did the project go?" My mom asked as I walked into the kitchen.
"It was fine," I said.
"Bio or something?" She asked. I nodded and grabbed a water bottle from the kitchen.
"Who's Arizona I've never heard you talk about her before," my mom said. I don't talk about a lot of things with you mom. Never have, not sure why I would start.
"She's a friend," I said.
"That's nice," my mom said.
"Yeah," I said as I walked upstairs and passed Dereks room.
"Amy," he said.
"What?" I said.
"How's your girlfriend?" He chuckled.
"Not my girlfriend," I laughed as I walked down the hall. I looked at my phone and I had a text from Arizona.
Had a lot of fun today. Can I take you out on a date soon? I couldn't help but smile.
Yes. I sent.

Amelia One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now