Meredith's Attack

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Prompt: Meredith gets attack by a patient and Arizona is there to comfort Amelia.

Request: greys_caterinaa

I got a page to the ER. I ran down the short flight of stairs and into the pit. Everyone was swarmed in trauma 1. Was there multiple patients in there? I ran in and saw her. Meredith. She was bruised and beaten up so badly. I looked around the room and saw Maggie. I was panicking. Meredith was hurt.
"I told you to page Edwards!" Alex yelled at Maggie.
"Meredith needs the best!" Maggie argued, "Amelia." I looked up at her and walked over to Mer. I grabbed my flashlight and her eyes followed it, and her eyes followed my finger. She had some bruising on her forehead and cheek bones, but I don't think she had any brain damage. She has no signs of a brain bleed. I booked a CT for the next available time just to make sure. I couldn't make a wrong call with Meredith. I couldn't make a wrong call on my sister. Gosh I was so scared. I've lost my dad, my baby, my fiancé, my brother, and I'm not losing my sister now. I sat down in the CT and waited for the scans. The scans came up and Maggie grabbed my hand.
"She's good," I said, "scans are clear."
"Oh thank god," Maggie smiled and hugged me.
"What happened?" I asked.
"She got attacked by a patient," Maggie said.
"A patient did all this?" I said.
"Yeah," Maggie said, "thanks for the CT."
"Is there anything else I can do?" I asked.
"Oh shit can you get the kids from school?" Maggie asked, "sorry."
"No problem," I said. She left and I felt tears stream down my face. Meredith had to be okay. I know we don't get along the best but she has to be okay. I started walking down the stairs and I bumped into someone.
"Amelia?" Arizona looked at me as she put her hands on my shoulders.
"What's wrong baby?" Arizona asked me, "I heard about Meredith? Is she stable? How is she?"
"I think she's doing alright," I sniffled, "no neurological problems."
"That's good," Arizona said, "where are you headed."
"I have to go get Zola, Bailey, and Ellis from school," I said.
"Let me come with you," Arizona offered.
"It's okay," I said.
"Let me help," Arizona said, "I'll drive okay?"
"Okay," I nodded and handed her my keys. We drove to the kids school and picked the three of them up. I briefly explained that Meredith had just gotten hurt because I didn't know what her condition was right now. Maggie would know more. The five of us walked into the ER and saw Maggie.
"Aunty Amy are we going to wait with Aunt Maggie now?" Zola asked me.
"That's right," I said, "she knows all about how your mommy is doing alright?" They nodded and ran over to her. I turned to Arizona and hugged her.
"I love you," I said in her ear.
"I love you too," she said, "let's go sit alright?" I nodded as we walked into an on call room and she sat down next to me on one of the beds.
"Wanna talk about it?" Arizona asked as she stroked my hair as I leaned into her.
"She has to be okay," I managed to get out, "I can't lose someone else too."
"I'm sure she'll be okay," Arizona said, "she has the best doctors in there."
"I know," I said, "I'm just scared."
"That's normal it's okay," Arizona said and kissed my head. I snuggled into her and she pulled the blanket over me.
"Ames you look tired why don't you get some sleep and I'll wake you up if I hear anything," Arizona said.
"No it's okay," I said.
"For me?" Arizona asked.
"You have to wake me up if you hear anything. I don't care how small," I said.
"Promise," she said before kissing me.
"Okay," I said softly and laid down next to her.
"It'll be okay," Arizona said and kissed my head.
"Amelia wake up," Arizona said shaking me. I sat up and looked at her. She looked happy. Happy news.
"What is it?" I asked.
"She's in recovery she's okay," Arizona said.
"Mer's okay?" I asked hopefully.
"She's okay," Arizona said and grabbed my hand, "let's go see her okay?"
"Okay," I nodded, "let's go." She held my hand as we walked down the hallway to see Meredith. I was so glad she was okay.

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