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Prompt: Arizona gets bullied and called slurs and Amelia stands up for her and comforts her

TW: homophobia / slurs

Request: AmezonaStorys

I walked into school and saw all the popular girls. I hated them. They basically ruled the school. Well, I hated all but one. Amelia. Amelia Shepherd. She was the same age as me, same height, brunette, piercing blue eyes. She was so gorgeous. I had a huge crush on her. I was openly lesbian, but I assumed she was straight. We never talked besides school work. We didn't have the same friends. She was more popular. She was in with the popular crowd. She basically ruled the school and probably thought I was a big loser. I was sitting at the cafeteria and I saw Amelia sit down with her friends. Her hair was curled today and it looked so perfect. She was so pretty. She looked up from her food and made eye contact with me. Shit. She saw me staring. She gave me a soft smile and a wave. I waved back. One of her friends turned around and saw me staring. I immediately looked down at my phone to distract myself from them. They were probably talking about me now. I heard a collection of footsteps and Amelia's posse sat down at my table. Amelia looked really uncomfortable. It was Amelia and her bitchy friends Jules, Emma, and Avery.
"What are you doing drooling over Amelia? Don't you know she's not a freak like you?" Jules said.
"Seriously, you can't keep acting like the faggot you are," Avery said.
"Guys stop," Amelia said.
"Amelia she's probably in love with you or something. I mean she's a complete freak and drools over women anyway," Emma said.
"Faggot," Jules scoffed, "stay away from us."
"Seriously," Avery rolled her eyes.
"Stop calling her that it's not nice," Amelia said. Was she standing up for me?
"You can't actually think she just wants to be your friend," Emma laughed, "Amelia honey."
"I don't care if she's a lesbian but you guys are being uncalled for," Amelia said, "leave her alone." Wow. She was actually sticking up for me.
"Whatever," Avery said, "you know she's one of those freaks anyway."
"Shut up!" Amelia yelled at them, "just leave if you don't have anything nice to say." They rolled their eyes at her and left. Amelia looked at me and then back at her lap.
"Thanks," I said softly. I felt like I wanted to cry, but I also felt happy. Amelia stuck up for me. I never expected that.
"Yeah uh no problem," she said quietly. I felt so nervous around her, and upset with her friends.
"I have to go to the bathroom I'll be right back," I said and Amelia nodded. I ran to the bathroom and started crying. What if Amelia really thought I was a freak? What if she knew I was in love with her.
"Arizona?" Amelia said quietly. I was behind the locked stall door, but she probably knew I was in her.
"I can see your shoes I know you're in here," she said.
"You know what my shoes look like?" I asked.
"I notice things," she said.
"Thanks for sticking up for me," I said.
"It's really no problem," Amelia said, "what they were saying was uncalled for and rude."
"You don't believe them right?" I said in a weak tone.
"No," she said, "but I guess I'm kinda a freak myself."
"Kinda?" I said.
"Well I like guys and girls," she said.
"Oh," I said, "you're not a freak though." I opened the bathroom stall and she was standing at the sink. She turned around and looked at me.
"I really like you," she said.
"Me?" I laughed.
"Why is that funny?" She said.
"Because you're the popular hot girl that could get anyone and I'm the shy lesbian who gets picked on," I said.
"You think I'm hot?" Amelia chuckled.
"I mean yeah," I said, "I like you too." A smile appeared on her face. I took a step closer to her and she looked at me.
"Can I kiss you?" She asked.
"You can," I smiled as she pulled me in for a kiss.

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