Taking Care of You

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Prompt: Amelia is sick at work and Owen noticed and takes care of her.

Request: charlie91706
(I believe this was the person who requested this please correct me if I made a mistake!)

Amelia felt awful. She had already done three surgeries this morning, and she could feel her face burning up. She had more surgeries scheduled so she knew she couldn't go home, but the stomach flu had been going through the hospital like wildfire. She felt awful. She noticed Owen looking at her. Owen was her boyfriend. They had been dating for about 8 months now. She knew that he could see right through her and that she was sick.
"You okay?" Owen asked her.
"Yeah I'm fine," Amelia responded as she finished filling out a chart. Owen could tell right away that she was fighting the stomach flu. She might not have thrown up yet, but she was definitely sick.
"I'm taking you home," Owen said.
"Owen I'm fine please," Amelia complained.
"Let me take you home and let me take care of you," Owen sweetly asked. Amelia could give into that. She loved Owen and loved how caring he was.
"Fine but I'm coming back to work tomorrow," Amelia said.
"Whatever you say," Owen chuckled as the two got ready to go home. Owen started driving home and Amelia fell asleep in the passenger seat. Owen parked in the driveway and got out and opened Amelia's car door. He didn't want to wake her up so he picked her up lightly and walked inside. He put her on the couch and went to go make a bowl of soup for her. Once he was done with the soup he heard Amelia get up.
"I don't feel good," Amelia admitted, walking into the kitchen.
"Soup?" Owen offered.
"You're the best," Amelia said tiredly as she sat down at the kitchen table and ate some soup.
"Why don't we take a warm bath after lunch?" Owen offered.
"Might fall asleep in the tub," Amelia chuckled.
"That's fine too," Owen said. The two finished eating soup and then went upstairs where Amelia threw up in the bathroom for the first time. Owen came up behind her and pulled her hair into a low ponytail. Amelia knelt by the toilet, repeatedly throwing up. Owen rubbed her back as the vomit slowed.
"You're okay," Owen said softly. Amelia wiped her mouth and leaned back into Owen who wrapped his arms around her.
"I smell so bad," Amelia said.
"The tub water is ready," Owen offered. Owen helped Amelia stand up and get undressed as they both got into the tub. Owen washed Amelia's hair as Amelia slowly started drifting off to sleep. He hated seeing her sick because it always drained her so much. After a while Amelia fell asleep in Owen's arms. Owen drained the tub and lifted Amelia out and got her into some pajamas. He lifted her into their bed and tucked her in. He kissed her forehead and Amelia reached over and grabbed Owen's hand.
"Stay," she said half asleep. Owen listened to her and laid down next to her.
Owen woke up to Amelia throwing up in the bathroom. He got up and walked into the bathroom and Amelia was crying.
"Hey honey it's okay," Owen comforted her and sat down beside her.
"I'm so tired," Amelia complained.
"We can go back to bed after this," Owen reassured her and kissed her head.
"I feel so gross," Amelia pouted as she flushed the toilet and got up to wash her face. Owen could tell how drained she was.
"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" Owen offered.
"Do we have ice cream?" Amelia asked.
"We do," Owen said. He helped her up and they walked downstairs to the kitchen. Owen made her a bowl of ice cream and then they sat down on the couch. Amelia cuddled into Owen as he turned the TV on.
"What do you want to watch?" Owen asked.
"Whatever's on," Amelia shrugged as she ate her ice cream.
"Okay," Owen said softly and kissed her head. Amelia put the empty bowl on the table and snuggled into Owen. Owen knew she was going to fall asleep any second so he just put the first thing on.
"Owen?" Amelia said sleepily.
"Yes sweetheart?" Owen asked.
"I love you," she said.
"I love you too," Owen said. In the next few minutes Amelia drifted off to sleep and Owen carried her upstairs again and got her comfortable in bed. He hoped she would wake up feeling better in the morning.

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