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Prompt: Amelia and Arizona are best friends and have a sleepover and Amelia has a nightmare. (High school)

I knocked on Arizona's door and she smiled.
"Ames!" She giggled and hugged me.
"Hey," I smiled as we walked in her house.
"My parents should be home in an hour," Arizona said, "hope that's alright."
"It's good," I said.
"Wanna make food?" She said.
"Sure," I said, "I can't cool though."
"Don't be ridiculous I know that Amelia," she laughed, "we're making brownies come on." She pulled me into her pantry and grabbed the ingredients.
"You know how to make these from scratch?" I said.
"Yes," she said, "not everyone is as bad as a cook as you."
"Hey," I chuckled.
"You make it cute though," she chuckled as she cracked an egg, "I'm sure Link would love a clueless girlfriend in the kitchen."
"Shut up," I said.
"You don't like Link?" She asked me, "he's cute, and I'm a lesbian that's saying a lot."
"He is really attractive," I shrugged, "I don't know."
"He's definitely going to ask you out," Arizona said.
"Don't say that," I chuckled.
"Why because you don't want to give an answer?" She said.
"No," I said.
"Fair enough," she said, "can you grab the butter?"
"Sure," I said, "what's going on with Callie?"
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"Didn't you go on a date?" I asked.
"We went on a few," she said.
"Spill the beans Robbins," I chuckled.
"I really like her I'm scared I'll mess it up," she said.
"You won't," I said, "promise."
I changed into my pajamas and walked into Arizonas room.
"What are you watching?" I asked.
"Vampire diaries," Arizona said.
"Again?" I joked.
"Shut up and watch it with me," Arizona said. I crawled into bed next to her and we watched TV until we both fell asleep.

Amelia's dream....
I was having so much fun. My dad brought Derek and I to work today. I usually sat behind the counter so my dad could see me and not worry about me wandering off. I grabbed the two little pennies he gave me to play with and rolled them in the cracks of the floorboards. I heard the door open and I looked over and saw two men. They said something to my dad but I don't remember, I was too busy playing. I heard a loud noise. I went to go see what it was but something covered my mouth and held me back. I looked around and my dad was on the floor. There was blood. They show him. I tried to get free but Derek held me back. I wanted to run after them. I wanted to help my dad. I got out of Derek's arms and ran around to the other side of the desk and the two men were there. They lifted the gun and pointed it towards me.
"D-Derek?" I said. They pulled the trigger.

I sat up breathing heavy. I was crying. I looked over and Arizona was fast asleep. I couldn't wake her up. I wiped my eyes but the tears kept coming.
I felt Amelia sit up on the bed. I heard her breathing become unsteady and her crying. I sat up and looked over at her.
"Amelia what's wrong?" I asked her. She didn't say anything and I put my hand on her cheek and turned her face towards me.
"Amelia what happened?" I asked softly. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly as she cried. I rubbed her back as she cried.
"Talk to me," I said softly.
"I had a nightmare about my dad," she said. Amelias dad was shot in front of her and Derek when she was 5. She's never gotten over it and I don't blame her. I don't know how a person could move past that.
"Hey it's okay," I said and hugged her, "it's okay."
"I just wish it was different," she cried. I laid down and let her snuggle into me as I played with her hair to calm her down. She wrapped her arms around my waist as she sniffled softly.
"It's okay I've got you," I said softly, "you're okay Amelia."
"I'm sorry I woke you," she said.
"It's okay sweetheart," I said, "don't worry about it." I caressed her hair and rubbed her back as she snuggled into me and tried to fall back asleep.
"I love you," I said, meaning it in a friend way. We always said it.
"I love you too," she said.
"Get some sleep okay?" I said.
"Okay," she said.
"Goodnight," I whispered.
"Goodnight," she said softly. I kissed her head and hoped she would have better dreams. Soon enough she was asleep and I pulled the blankets over her. I wished the best for her.

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