Avery Charlotte

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Prompt: Amelia had a baby girl 15 years ago. Once her daughter, Avery, finds out Amelia is her birth mother, she comes to find Amelia at the hospital.

Request: Ajh_503

My mom parked in the hospital parking lot. My dad was at work today, and my younger brother was at school. Today I was trying to meet my birth mom. She put me up for adoption when I was a baby, and my adoptive parents adopted me when I was 2 days old. Their names are Michael and Debra. They're the best, and I have a younger brother Colin. He's 12, I'm 15. I'm meeting my birth mom today. I've thought about this for a while. It's exciting, but I'm scared. What if she doesn't want to see me? She did give me up, and I don't judge her for the decision because I love my family now, and she made the right decision for herself I'm assuming. Her name is Amelia Shepherd. She's a really famous neurosurgeon. Crazy smart I'm thinking.
"Want me to come inside with you?" My mom asked me.
"Uh no I'm okay, I'll just go in myself," I said.
"Okay, if you need anything call me. Have fun, and I hope you get to see her," my mom said and hugged me, "I hope everything goes okay I know you've been wanting to meet her forever."
"Me too," I smiled nervously. I walked into the ER and found someone at the front desk.
"Can I help you?" The lady at the front desk asked.
"Uh yeah I'm looking for Doctor Amelia Shepherd," I said.
"Do you have an appointment?" She asked as she picked up the phone.
"No uh, it's really important though, I'm family," I said.
"Can I get your name?" She asked.
"Avery," I said.
"Alright Avery why don't you wait over there and I'll page doctor shepherd okay?" She told me. I nodded as I sat down. I was so scared.

I got a random page to the ER about a girl. The lady at the front desk didn't make it sound urgent but I ran down the stairs anyway to see her. I walked past the waiting room and this teenager caught my eye. She was probably 14 or 15. She looked like me. Like really looked like me, but I guess so does every other short brunette girl right? Whatever doesn't matter I have to check on a consult or scan.
"You paged?" I asked the front desk.
"Yeah there's a girl Avery? She's waiting for you over there, said she's family," the nurse said and motioned towards the girl that caught my eye. Family? Is she my daughter? If she was she was Ryan and I's daughter. I had a daughter 15 years ago and I gave her up for adoption. Was this her? Was she one of my sisters children? I walked over and looked at the waiting room.
"Avery?" I asked. She looked up at me and got up and followed me. She was my daughter. I knew it. She had my eyes. She had my nose. She was doing the nervous thing with her fingers and she had my brown hair.
"How can I help you today?" I asked as I opened a patient door. She was my daughter.
"I'm Avery," she said, "I'm uh your birth daughter." I grinned big as I hugged her.
"I knew you looked like me," I said, "oh my gosh it's so good to see you. Wow you're all grown up."
"Uh yeah," Avery chuckled.
"Do you want to grab lunch? Did your mom or dad bring you they can join too," I offered.
"My mom said she'll wait in the car," Avery said.
"Okay," I said, "you look just like me."
"Yeah," she laughed, "yeah I really do." We walked down to the cafeteria and she sat across from me.
"Are you in 10th grade?" I asked her. This was so weird. Was she mad at me? I did put her up for adoption. Did she want to get to know me as much as I wanted to get to know her?
"Yeah," she said, "you're a surgeon."
"I am," I smiled, "how's your family?"
"They're good, I love with my mom and dad and my younger brother," she said.
"Your parents are lovely people, I remember meeting them many years ago and I loved them," I remembered, "they're good to you?"
"Yeah," Avery said, "did you name me?"
"Yeah," I smiled, "I named you Charlotte after my best friend, I let your parents name you legally though I never put it on the birth certificate."
"My middle name is Charlotte," she smiled.
"It is?" I said, feeling myself tear up a little. They kept the name.
"Yeah," Avery smiled.
"I feel like I owe you an explanation," I said.
"You don't," Avery said, "I just wanted to meet you."
"How's school and everything?" I asked.
"It's good, annoying but it's good," she said.
"Yeah I didn't like school either," I chuckled. She smiled as we finished lunch.
"Uh my moms waiting but it was really nice to meet you," Avery said.
"Wait here's my number," I said and scribbled it on a notepad and gave it to her, "if it's okay with your parents I'd like to be in your life, or at least have you be able to reach out.
"I'd really like that," Avery smiled. I hugged her tightly. I didn't want to let go of her. I didn't want her to leave.
"Call me?" I asked.
"I promise," Avery said. I smiled as I walked her to the parking lot and watched her leave with her mom. They kept the name. She was Avery Charlotte.
"Amelia!" Meredith called. I turned around and saw her.
"Who was that girl with you before?" Meredith asked, "everything okay?"
"That was my daughter," I smiled.

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