Special Episode III

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I had come to Aunt Sarah's this morning, so that I could carry out my plan without interference from my staff

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I had come to Aunt Sarah's this morning, so that I could carry out my plan without interference from my staff. I wanted to thank Alastair for winning Elfie for me. I didn't know if he did at the hot springs, he was at with our friends right now, but I knew Phoe slept with it while we were staying at Aunt Sarah's property.

Although I had yet to work out what I wanted to make for Alastair. I was thinking about candy since that was customary for this holiday, but I didn't know what kind.

I said, "Thank you for helping me with this," as she let me in. "My staff probably would have chased me out of the kitchen."

She ruffled my hair. "I was happy when you asked me, Tia. We haven't had a lot of chances to spend time together. Besides, I like doing these sorts of things. Lany could tell you that."

I set my bag down. I was sure he could. He really did seem to enjoy them and that it came from Aunt Sarah.

"Have you decided what you want to make yet?"

I shook my head. "I haven't been able to."

"Well, I have everything you could possibly need."

My eyes widened. Flour, sugar, chocolate chips, whip cream, butter, cake mix, cookie dough, eggs. She had gotten so many other ingredients, too. Why did she go overboard for me?

"It won't go to waste. I gave my staff the morning off. Our chef will be able to do whatever she wants with the ingredients after we're done."

Oh... That was nice...

"People usually make something with chocolate, but you don't have to. I'm going to make Lany a desert that doesn't use chocolate after we make your desert."

He would probably be embarrassed, but I was sure he'd enjoy it, too.

"What kind of chocolate things could we make?"

"There are cookies, cakes, brownies, fudge, fondue. A lot of things really."

That did sound like a lot. I didn't want to do cakes because I thought that was for birthdays. Ice cream would melt, so that might not be the best idea.

I furrowed my eyes. "I'm not sure what fondue and fudge are, so I think either cookies or brownies."

"Fondue is made with melted cheese."

I raised an eyebrow. "People put cheese in desserts?"

She laughed. "Yeah. And fudge is a sugar candy."

"Cookies or brownies."

"Sounds good." Aunt Sarah smiled. "Do you want to show off for your Romeo?"

My cheeks burned. "My what?"

"Your special someone."

"I don't have a special someone!" I took a breath. "Phoe's friend, Noah, has a big brother called Alastair. Alastair won the elephant I gave Phoe for his birthday. I wanted to do this to thank him."

[Legacy of a Martyr #2] Liberation from the Masquerades (A Key Keepers novel)Where stories live. Discover now