Episode 35: Break Them in

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Where was I? Everything was quiet

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Where was I? Everything was quiet. Everything was still. Was I back in that awful place? It was never like this in the palace. Someone on the staff always seemed to be up. I could've been in Alain's house, but I didn't think it was likely.

It was dark right now. I wasn't in that awful place then. That place didn't have an off switch. I had to put a blanket over my head if I wanted to get that.

Was this a dream?

Finally, something came into focus. I was on the floor. It was a light brown color. It looked like hardwood flooring. I was pretty sure I was in the palace.

I couldn't remember what happened after I went with Alain and the others to confront our first obstacle. Had he decided to bring me home after for some reason? Why would he do that, though? And if he did, why would I be on the floor?

One of the women on our staff shouted, "Your majesty!"

This couldn't be recent. They never addressed me or Phoenix this way. Leon was no royal and Alain seemed to be viewed as more of a noble than royal.

"Tia!" Daddy scooped me up and cradled me in his arms. "What happened?"

"I don't know, sir," the woman replied.

Wait. I was five when this happened. Daddy had gotten sick already, but this was one of his better days.

"Daddy..." I could hardly talk. Even if I could, I might not have been able to say anything more than I was tired.

"Connor," Leon said. "Let me take her."

Daddy stroked my hair. "Leon, this is my daughter we're talking about. I need to take her."

"I understand, sir."

That was sweet of Daddy. I would've been fine if I'd been in Leon's arms, too. I was just happy to have Daddy where I could see him. I might have been little, but I understood he'd been sick.

Daddy carried me into his and Mother's room. Mother was laying in bed. Annie was sitting on the side of the bed.

Mother perked up. "What happened to Tia?"

"She fell and one of the staff called Connor over. Not exactly sure what's wrong with her," Leon replied.

Daddy laid me in Mother's lap. "She's only said one word since."


"Make that two," Leon corrected.

Mother ran her fingers through my hair. Her voice was soft. "What's the matter, Tia?"

"I'm tired..."

Noelle brushed her hand on my cheek. "Remember how I said I thought she might have a secondary power when she first turned five?"

"Yes..." Mother looked at her sideways.

"I think I know what it is."

Daddy got on the bed and sighed. "Out with it, woman. What's wrong with our daughter?"

"It looks like she has psychic abilities as her secondary power."

Leon raised an eyebrow. "What makes you say that, Noelle?"

"It would explain why this came on so suddenly. This did seem sudden, didn't it?"

"She could—"

Annie cut Leon off. "I thought of that, too. As far as I can tell, she has no fever."

Mother brushed my hair out of my face. "I don't think she does, either." She looked into my eyes. "Do you feel hot, Tia?"

I shook my head.

"Why would psychic powers make her tired?" Leon asked.

"They're like new shoes. Until they're broken in, they're draining to use." Annie turned her head. "In case you're wondering, I broke mine in ages ago."

I tried to get out of Mother's lap, but my body wouldn't cooperate.

"What's the matter, Tia?" Daddy asked.

I felt worse. It was like my breakfast was trying to break out of my tummy.

"Bathroom?" Annie put her hand over her mouth. Her face went red. "I have no idea why I said that."

Leon picked me up and laid my head on his shoulder. "I'll take care of this. You two can't work all the time no matter how much you'd might like to." He took me into the en suite. "It'll be alright, princess."

Leon set me on the ground. When he did, I threw up in the toilet. Thankfully, when I did that, I managed to not get any of it in my hair.

After he wiped my face, he put me back in Mother's lap.

"If she does have psychic powers, it looks like she might be developing telepathy." Annie was looking into my eyes. "That could be why I blurted out the word bathroom of all things."

Mother pulled me closer to her heart. "Why wasn't she like this when her wind came in?"

"I sensed that when she was first born. It's a part of her." Annie turned her head. "Even then, I'm not sure if I've seen an elemental power cause this. There's just something taxing about using new psychic powers."

Mother took a deep breath and kissed my forehead. "Help me, please. Restore my energy, set my mind at ease."

I relaxed into Mother's hold more.

"Did Tia throw up, Leon?" Daddy asked.

He nodded.

"Can you get some of the special water then? I don't want this to make her sick if she isn't already."

Leon went out of the room after that.

"Are you sure about this, Elia?" Annie asked. "She's still pretty young."

"I'd give her something else, but I don't know what else I could give her. It was what Mom did when I was a girl."

Leon came back with a cup.

Mother took the cup from him and sat me up. "I know you might not like this, but I need you to drink some, Tia."

I drank it but only because Mother asked me to.


"I know, Tia, but you needed the electrolytes. They'll help you feel better." Mother got up. "Let's get you to bed, my little princess. You need to rest."

I was too tired to try to resist. I was nearly sleep by the time we got into my room.

Mother laid me in my bed and tucked me in before kissing the top of my head. "Call if you need anything."

"Love you..."

"I love you, too, Tia."


T really did have good parents... Leon was a help too. Thoughts on this episode? Theories? Predictions?

~Shino out!

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