Episode 44: Scouting

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Alain's sister Tiana had woken up a few days ago

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Alain's sister Tiana had woken up a few days ago. I was relieved for her little brothers. It was like when we had watch someone evolve in our family. It was never easy.

Noelle had told Hannah everything. Not that I was surprised about that. Sometimes we wondered if they were actual sisters at one point. If any strangers saw a picture of them, they'd probably think they were. Heck, some of us she took in younger probably did, too, at one point.

Anyway, Noelle had asked Hannah to ask Del and Arthur if they'd be willing to go with Alain into Taradita. Tiana couldn't go because she was still weak; Marshall couldn't either because he got hurt in their last battle, and understandably, the rest of their friends wanted to take care of them.

Still, they couldn't just sit around that whole time. They had to search for the things they were after. Marshall and Tiana surely didn't want everything to get put on hold for them.

That was why Noelle had called Hannah. Alain seemed to be like me. He would try to do everything himself if no one stopped him.

He would be in good hands with them. And I would know. They put up with my bratty self. That couldn't have been an easy task. Especially as they had to care for me at one of my lowest points.

They were at our front door around 10:30 getting ready to leave. Hannah was with them. She probably wanted to "see them off". It'd been a while since one of us went to work, I thought.

I went into the living room. I wanted to go with them. Another pair of eyes could be helpful.

They all looked at me.

"Did you need something, Star?" Hannah asked.

I held my hands behind my back. "I wanna go with you."

Arthur raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure about that, son? You know where we're going, right?"

I nodded. Of course, I did. I was in the room when Noelle made her request. Hannah might not have remembered or noticed, but I was.

They all looked at each other.

Arthur and Del sighed.

"Let's take my car," Arthur said.

Noah poked his head into the room. "If you're going where I think you're going, can I come?"

"Yes," Hannah said. "I'm sure Phoenix will be over the moon to see you."

"Why do you want us to take your car?" Del asked. "It isn't like their house is that far."

Arthur shot my big bro a glare. "Driving can be rather enjoyable if you know how."

"Would you like me to invite Raymond over for dinner?" Hannah asked.

"You can ask. Not sure what he'll say. He's been learning to cook and seems to enjoy it. Definitely more than I do. Heck, aside from when you invite us over, he might be my only way to get a good home-cooked meal."

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